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Shouty tram woman was in court today too

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So there are limits on freedom of speech you say? How interesting.


Yes you can say whatever you like about the government but not about anyone else.

For instance you can say in public that the government are a bunch of criminals and are corrupt but if you say about a company you can be sued if what you say is incorrect.

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Frank. Your organisation, the EDL, seems to practice positive discrimination in favour of paedophiles. See




Any justification for this you'd like to give?


I take it you disagree with this piece of government legislation.

Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974


If someone is convicted of a crime and punished for that crime it doesn't end their life. Besides the fact it is completely irrelevant for the topic being discussed.

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Frank. Your organisation, the EDL, seems to practice positive discrimination in favour of paedophiles. See




Any justification for this you'd like to give?


Firstly, they're not my organisation. I'm leaning towards UKIP these days...:D


I once said that if there were demonstrations by Muslim protesters when the coffins of dead soldiers were been driven down the street I would gladly march with the EDL, if they were the only organisation doing so, in protest at this. I stand by that point....:D

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If your mother were a prostitute and someone got on a bus proclaiming she was a whore, you don't believe that would be inappropriate behaviour likely to cause a breach of the peace, even though it were true?


i dont think we saw everything that went on during her 'tirade' but what i heard her say mainly was 'you're not english' .....the truth, whats really wrong with that when it was the truth ? prostitutes are whores bf, all in all she should have kept her opinion to herself cos you cannot really go around voicing your opinions publicly, though it seems, just seems that certain ones can and others cannot

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i dont think we saw everything that went on during her 'tirade' but what i heard her say mainly was 'you're not english' .....the truth, whats really wrong with that when it was the truth ? prostitutes are whores bf, all in all she should have kept her opinion to herself cos you cannot really go around voicing your opinions publicly, though it seems, just seems that certain ones can and others cannot


Some people are very touchy alately, Stan Collimore has got someone arrested now for saying something on Twitter...

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Firstly, they're not my organisation. I'm leaning towards UKIP these days...:D


I once said that if there were demonstrations by Muslim protesters when the coffins of dead soldiers were been driven down the street I would gladly march with the EDL, if they were the only organisation doing so, in protest at this. I stand by that point....:D


You also said you'd gone out and recruited 3 people for the EDL even though the same paedophile in their ranks was already known about.

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