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Shouty tram woman was in court today too

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I'm not John X. If you want the Mods to check our internet adresses just ask them. I've never had anything to do with him, unlike you and an organisation led by a paedo.


And why are you going on about paedos all the time. Is the issue often in your thoughts?...

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I've voted Labour and Tory before, John, and hated the leadership, one votes for the party, I do anyway, so your point is not valid. Many voted for labour again last time even though Tony killed thousands in pointless wars. So by your logic anyone who voted Labour last time must have supported the killing of innocent Iraqis.....:D


The EDL doesn't stand for election and Iraq was just one issue that may have affected Labour's share of the vote along with crime, the economy, etc. Anyone who voted Labour or Tory after 2003 supported Iraq in my eyes. I haven't voted Labour since 97. If Blair had been a paedophile he wouldn't have been at the top of Labour for very long.


The EDL is a far-right organisation that pretends to be just concerned about Islam but is in fact a white supremacist organisation that tries (badly) to hide its members who sieg heil and wear swastikas. Its reaction to the convictions of Stephen Lawrence's killers betrayed that.


And why are you going on about paedos all the time. Is the issue often in your thoughts?...


No. If it were I might support an organisation fronted by a paedophile like you have done. I highlight the issue to underline the fact that paedophilia is a serious crime and the EDL is led by a serious criminal, and therefore that people shouldn't support the EDL for that and many other reasons.


And contact the mods to see if I'm John X. That would get me banned but as I'll still be on here you'll know I'm not him.

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Remove the issue of her rant and replace it with the fact she's a single mother, those defending her would be the first to make accusations of single breeding skrote who bleeds the state dry and shouldn't be near a kid, never mind have one.


Add an ethnic into the equation and she's now almost a saint.

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