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Shouty tram woman was in court today too

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No it didn't. The story that is always parrotted is that a paediatrician was hounded from their home by a baying mob who attacked them.


What actually happened was a paediatrician found a small amount of graffitti on their home which had been written whilst they slept - they did not even wake during the incident and discovered it in the morning. It was never proven that it was written because of her job and a mix up over words, there was never any conviction. She was never attacked, she never came face to face with anybody, there was no mob. However this story is regularly parroted as evidence of how dreadful mob justice is.


Apparently non-existant mobs of poorly educated working class people who may have read the News of the World = bad. Mobs of students and lefties on twitter and who sent this woman death threats = good.


The woman is quite probably ill and it's highly likely that her illness affected her behaviour. But when the Twitterati want their pound of flesh who cares about justice or fairness, throw her to the wolves!

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Has the woman in this video been hounded by a baying mob, or been beaten up? Had things thrown at her, her house vandalised?


Err, no, she's been arrested and charged and is going through the criminal justice system - where does this mob justice you're going on about come into it?


Not attacked as far as I know but her life has been threatened.

34-year old Emma West was initially going to remain in custody until 3 January "for her own good" as she had received death threats.


Magistrates chairman Ian McNeal said during the hearing: ‘We are told that your address has been widely circulated on Facebook and Twitter and there has been numerous death threats.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2070647/Racist-woman-tram-spend-Christmas-bars-protection.html#ixzz1iQbkvexU

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Are we allowed to guess who this one poster is?


Guess away. But what I will say is that if you have a quick google with my username and whoever you think it is and threads about vigilante action and you *may* come across them banging on about how terrible trial by media is and that justice should be allowed to be dished out by a mob based on reporting in the media which may or may not be accurate etc, etc, etc


But apparently when somebody is accused of something they don't like all these lofty ideas about justice go out of the window.

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Not attacked as far as I know but her life has been threatened.

34-year old Emma West was initially going to remain in custody until 3 January "for her own good" as she had received death threats.


Well, of course one can't condone the death threats - that's obviously wrong.

I don't see how the blame for the death threats can be laid at the feet of the media though. It was newsworthy and caused a strong reaction in the public.

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Well, of course one can't condone the death threats - that's obviously wrong.

I don't see how the blame for the death threats can be laid at the feet of the media though. It was newsworthy and caused a strong reaction in the public.


I didn't think it was particularly news worthy, and what kind of lunatic would threaten someone for something so trivial, we should be worried about the loonies that what her dead.

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In the same week that the incident happened and video uploaded to YouTube and reported in the media, there was another story, about 4 black Somali Muslims who beat a white British girl to a pulp whilst shouting racial abuse. They caused real physical injuries putting the girl in hospital, yet this woman on the tram, vile as I find her behaviour, did only cause some offense, some hurt feelings, no physical injury occured, I do not see by comparison as deserving of being remanded to custody.


Reading the press that week, you could be forgiven for taking the message away that if you are an ethnic minority, you can assault whites and get away with it, but if you're white and only insult an ethnic minority, you will be dealt with far more severely.

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I think you're in a minority; chack out the youtube hits, the column inches and the airtime...


To be in the minority more humans would have needed to see it than haven't seen it and I'm sure it’s only had 11 million hits, and just because someone as watched it out of curiosity doesn't make it news worthy.

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Remand kids taken off her


She's not been remanded, she's been (conditionally) bailed.


Okay so do you think people who are abusive on public transport because they are suffering from a mental health issue should be hounded and prosecuted for behaving in that way if it is caused by an illness which is beyond their control?


They can be sectioned, which would be best in this case.


Have you got a link to prove that my information is wrong Napoleon?


You made the accusation, it's for you to supply your proof. Either that, or retract the slur.


Tell us about your 20 years experience. What post doctorate experience do you actually have? Where did you study for your degree?


You provide proof that the poster in question was a patient for twenty years.


Yes. Tell us liar.


I hope you have proof. Otherwise you leave yourself (and SF) open to a court case.

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