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How to get more help for my son with his speech problem

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Any1 know any private speech therapists or anything else i can do to get more help for my 4yr old, hes been to group sessions, and now as he started school in september hes had 4 1 to 1 sessions with a therapist that comes into his school once a fortnight for 45mins and to me its not enough, hes not getting better and we have finally got a name for what he as got which is oral dyspraxia and i think he should be getting more help but dont know how to go about it, i have tried school, health visitors and doctors and no1 seems bothered and just says thats the NHS for u, which is not good enough for me if anyone could give me some advice that would be great thanks

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On a related subject have you applied for DLA for your son? See http://www.benefitsnow.co.uk/special/children.asp. I can't comment on whether he'd be eligible without looking into his care needs but it might be worth a shout. For how to apply see http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/MoneyTaxAndBenefits/BenefitsTaxCreditsAndOtherSupport/Disabledpeople/DG_10011925. Use a local advice service if you need to.

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