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Brompton folding bike

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Bromptons are cool so dont put up with any think other than a Brompton Yes they are a lot of money and trying to get hold of a secondhand one is a bit like finding rocking horse ****, but they are out there just keep looking but you will pay nearly as much for a good second hand one as you would pay for a new one .



just think of the biger picture you get a new one for lets say £950 you keep it in good condition say for 5 years put it on ebay or some other site ,and you will get any think up to £500 to £600 pound for it and then get a nother new one it will have cost you less than £2.00 a week what other bike will do that for you


you also get that big kid feelling every time you go out on the Bike it a bit like the old VW Beatle thing every time you pass a nother Brompton you are sure to get a wave or a smile from the other person be male or female


what a Bike :hihi::hihi:

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  • 4 months later...
Has anyone on the forum got a Brompton folding bike? I was wondering what the 3 speed model (M3l) was like to ride on the hills around Sheffield.




Hi there is a Brompton Ride in Sheffield on 20:/04/13 it starts at 13.30 at the railway station it is organised by London Brompton Club And the Edinburgh Bicycle co op and the Friday night club and Brompton. All Brompton riders welcome a prize for best Brompton it will be 20 miles a easy Ride


---------- Post added 26-01-2013 at 23:04 ----------


How many Brompton Bikes are there in Sheffield

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  • 11 months later...
Hi there is a Brompton Ride in Sheffield on 20:/04/13 it starts at 13.30 at the railway station it is organised by London Brompton Club And the Edinburgh Bicycle co op and the Friday night club and Brompton. All Brompton riders welcome a prize for best Brompton it will be 20 miles a easy Ride


---------- Post added 26-01-2013 at 23:04 ----------


How many Brompton Bikes are there in Sheffield


This years Sheffield Brompton ride is on Saturday 26th April 2014 last year we got over 40 Brompton on the ride we are hoping for a few more this year,, the event will be sponcered by Edinburgh Bicycles and Brompton again . We will be meeting at the Sheffield Railway station again time to be set later feel free to contact me at adknotty@hotmail.co.uk

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If you want lower gears, ask the shop to put a smaller chainwheel or bigger back sprocket on. Then you can still have a 3 speed and climb the hills. You may not end up with a high top end gear, but you'll probably be freewheeling rather than revving it anyhow.


6 speed over 3 will add complexity, weight and cost


I saw a second hand one advertised in the newsagents window at Broomhill, but can't remember any of the detail, sorry

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  • 10 months later...

Thought I'd resurrect this thread as I'm thinking of purchasing a Brompton bike.


Does anyone know how they compare to other brands of folding bike like Dahon in terms of value for money? It seems like other bikes are lighter and cheaper but are they more difficult to fold and ride?


I'm going to be using mine for commuting by train in Manchester so I'm thinking the 3 speed option will probably be enough.

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There are folding bikes that are cheap and there are the expensive ones which include Bromptons.

For your safety and enjoyment get a Brompton. Cheap ones do not survive the speeds and potholes in Sheffield.

Gears- depends on your fitness and usage.

A three speed is fine in hilly Sheffield but it needs a better ratio to gain higher speeds on the flat.

You will need a bag to put it in to get on the bus and train and to reduce problems with some trams.

Some have found that spares for the as good and as expensive German and American bikes difficult to source.

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Brompton or Dahon - or as an outsider, the higher end of Decathlon's range


For going on the train / commuting, avoid the cheapo's - many do not fold small enough to be carried as luggage, so you are faced with the same limitations as trying to get a standard bike on board.


As for 3-speeds, I ride a 3-speed (full size) around Sheffield but I modify my route to the way I go on the "normal" bikes - i.e. Hillsborough to Abbeydale I cycle down Penistone Road to West Bar, Flat street, Sidney Street, London Road. I can manage up St Philips Road to the Arts Tower but it's an unpleasant grind, and up Allen Street/Beert street route is a no-no unless I get off and push

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I had a Dahon- it's 7 speed deraileurs handled most hills, certainly there were no 'no go' areas other than ridiculously steep hills like Blake st.


I totally dispute any that say it's got to be a Brompton- not only because of the extreme price tag, but also cos many experienced folder riders do not like 16" wheels and prefer the 20" size that many Dahons have.


Also, Bromptons use hub gears- a 3 speed is not good in sheffield (unless you're prepared to have 'no-go' routes) and, while they have the advantage of low maintenance, many riders prefer deraileurs because they can be self-maintained, and, repaired.


Bromptons can come with higher numbers of gears, but, the extra expense is considerable, and, you'll either end up with an internal hub with more than 3 gears (and consequent reliability issues), or, both hub gears and deraileurs, it which case a strong case can be made for just getting a bike with deraileurs in the first place.


I'm not disputing that the Brommies got the best and most compact fold- it has. Just pointing out that it's not the default go-to choice once other factors are taken into consideration.


And, that Dahons, though towards the budget end of things, are good bikes and well thought of by many users.

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