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Advice for driving test

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The advice I would always give is to treat all other road users as complete idiots and expect the unexpected. Anticipation is the key! And as another poster put, always move your head when checking mirrors, not just your eyes.


Good luck!!!!

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Just to add on to the moving your head when checking mirrors tip.


You can also think out aloud. By that, I mean when you are about to check the mirror, simply say "checking mirror". Or "check blind spot" when you are checking your blind spot funnily enough. etc


You may feel like an idiot, but at least you know that the instructor definitely knows what you are doing, because it is impossible for them to have their eyes on you all of the time to see you doing these things, so just make it blatantly obvious that you are doing it so that there is no doubt.

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Yeah if you do a fault, don't worry about it. I stalled twice on my test (Shouldn't be an issue for you if you're doing automatic), and I passed first time.


Yeahh we all did things in our test where we thought "Sugar, I've failed. Might as well stop trying". But most of the time it's not that.


As someone else said, all the examiner is looking for is to see if you're safe to be on the road, and seeing as your instructor put you in for the test, he clearly knows you're safe.


So it's all about the mindset on the day, you can do it, your instructor thinks you can, be confident.


And most important of all, don't listen to the s**t heads who've been saying "If you can't concentrate enough to drive a manual, can you concentrate enough to see a kid in the road" That's bull.


It could be argued that if automatic drivers have less to do in the car, i.e gears, it leaves them more to concentrate on the road.


Damn, I'd drive an automatic if I could have found one in the car I wanted.

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I thought you were going to say it was tomorrow, in which case my advice would be GET TO BED!


But since its not tomorrow...


Try not to swerve to avoid things. My dad failed 3 times avoiding potholes and large stones in the road!


Todays the 4th so the test is tomorrow:D

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I have got my driving test on the 5th January and I am really nervous. I'm doing it in an automatic cause I can't get my head around a manual and it's easier gives me more time to concentrate on the road than worrying about which gear to be in. Anyway just wondering if anyone had taken there test recently and what it was like and what's classed as a fail etc


You are aware that if you take your test in an automatic you can't drive a manual car without L Plates and would have to retake test

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