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How easy is it for a female to get a council flat ?

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Quick question : - is it really true girls who fall pregnant are guaranteed a council house/flat more or less immediately ?


That they can jump the housing queue and be given a roof over their heads literally straight away ?


Or is it all a myth ?

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It's a myth. Someone on our street tried this her Mother told us all about it, teenage daughter tried for a flat but was turned down, then tried going homeless but didn't like the B&B they put her in so came back home. Then tried to lie about being pregnant by taking someone else's test stick to the housing (I bet that made someone at Howden House's day) was unhappy that they required a doctor's cert proving pregnancy. Luckily she had a caring boyfriend who dutifully made her pregnant so they toddled into the housing for their priority points. They were told you have to be over a certain term in your pregnancy (I can't recall how many weeks it was but they were unhappy because it was after the final cut off for termination) before the housing even considered the baby as a person. They decided it would be for the best if they kept the baby because that would allow them a bigger house when the council gave them one AND it would mean at least five extra years for them to find jobs.

Sadly the housing worker hadn't explained thoroughly and when the baby was born and they went to claim their prize they were turned down and still live with the Mother on our street.


Now the teenager stays at home to look after the lovely little boy she had and her dutiful boyfriend (who only stays 3 nights per week because that doesn't affect their money) is attending a college course two days a week.

The Mother is shocked that you only can stay home until baby is five, sadly she can't look after grandson because she has health problems (undisclosed health problems) but she does think they (? I assume she means the Govt.) should pay until the baby is 16 because stay at home Mums do a better job.

The baby was 1 year old just before Christmas so unless things have changed in the last year/ 18 months they don't get priority.

Makes you want to weep eh?


Just to add the girl is now 19.

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Quick question : - is it really true girls who fall pregnant are guaranteed a council house/flat more or less immediately ?


That they can jump the housing queue and be given a roof over their heads literally straight away ?


Or is it all a myth ?


They become a priority if they become homeless and they become homeless if the parent kicks them out of the house, I know one person that kicked her daughter out so she could get a house and she got one very quickly, but it will be down to luck, an house will have to be available and there can’t be anyone with a greater priority.

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i think it depends on the council. i cant speak for sheffield or give any up to date info but 12 years ago i knew a girl who got pregnant. she was bumped up the list and received a nice 3 bedroom council house within a few months of going on the list.

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Thanks Stranza and Mr S.


And :


Read it and find out. That's what you expect other's to do when you post your usual links


No, AO; I don't expect people to read the links I give; all the info is already there before I post the source :)

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