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Can the UK afford to house and feed the world,

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You're just not seeing it are you? If you know that three quarters of your children will die before the age of five, you make sure you have a good number of children. Having less means you're likely to end up with one, or two, or none and not enough hands to earn money or grow food and a limited chance (given that we're talking about low life expectancy) of making it to adulthood and being able to provide for you and their own offspring.


One family in the video I provided own a piece of land, and this land is handed down to the next generation and is used to feed them, the problem they have is that each generation has to many children and each time it is handed down it as to be split into smaller and smaller parcels of land, it is now at the point where they need charity because the land can no longer sustain them. They are still not voluntarily reducing the amount of children they have.

The solution to the problem is they either reduce the amount of people using the land by having fewer children or it reduces naturally by people starving to death.

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The average American of which I am one, eats food produced within its own border or from Canada. Much of its produce is sold to many countries in the world without starving us. I, like many, eat no more or maybe less than many Brits. Much of our grain is turned into ethanol and used as an alternative to petroleum. Please try to stop being Anti American. We're actively trying to feed as much of the world as possible, are you?


buck, mate, i'm sure this country donates at least the same percentage wise as the u.s, in fact sometimes it seems to get rammed our throats when people are living in poverty here - especially tho old, who die in winter as some of them cannot pay their gas/electric bills

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if all the millions nutty geldof and ure earned in 85 went onto contraception rather than the food that lasted for six months, we maybe not in this predicament now - and why oh why would you want children being born into that squalor ? how can you educate that ?

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That's a plainly ridiculous comment. You're just getting too emotional and drifting off to La La Land :hihi:


Ne'er a penny of Gates money was or ever will be used to feed and clothe me


You've missed the point, you want to set a threshold below which people will be sterilised as they're 'too poor'. What if that threshold happens to include you, I don't suppose you consider it fair then.

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I just wish sometimes you'd express your own ideas beyond getting into one line pI*ssing contests with fellow forumers. It's a bad habit of yours


If you believe that the problem of the worlds large population of poor could be solved so that there would be no more large populations of poor and needy then come out and say it.


Dont make me have to ask you again


I have to go pick up the grand kids from school.


I look forward to your meaningful input into this conversation :D


Nobody suggested it could.

I believe what Halibut was saying is that your suggestion is immoral, and frankly evil. Forced sterilisation is just wrong no matter how you try to dress it up.

Saying that doesn't mean that someone has a solution to the problem, just that they think you're proposed solution is wrong.

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And you see any sense in breeding millions of people who will never get a decent education, a decent home, decent medical care, nourishing food and the chance to become employable and self supporting?


If you think I'm a throwback to Nazi Germany you sound like some gormless Catholic adherent to the Pope

Go easy there Harley, I'm related by marriage to half the population of County Clare:)
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buck, mate, i'm sure this country donates at least the same percentage wise as the u.s, in fact sometimes it seems to get rammed our throats when people are living in poverty here - especially tho old, who die in winter as some of them cannot pay their gas/electric bills
I feel sure Britain helps as much as it decently can, I never implied that it didn't. like you, we have to face he poor of our own country as well, who don't like money they consider theirs going elsewhere. It doesn't help when vast sums and supplies given by us are grabbed by regimes for their politicians own pockets. The US has contributed emergency funds to victims of earthquakes, and tsunamis, as you also have. But none came our way to help the victims of the New Orleans disaster, and not enough from our own government.
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You've missed the point, you want to set a threshold below which people will be sterilised as they're 'too poor'. What if that threshold happens to include you, I don't suppose you consider it fair then.


By all that's sane and logical why would it include me?. If it did then you could kiss around 85 percent of the population goodbye as well.


We are talking about poverty here. People who live in plywood and tin shacks in places that get flooded out every year in winter, who live next to rubbish tips, no sanitation of any kind whatsoever, fathers who never had an education or worked a full day in their lives and if you gave them a pack of condoms wouldn't know what they're for, mothers who beg on the street or send their kids to beg. They might be poor and ignorant but they still go to worship that man nailed to the cross every Sunday and listen to a priest who fails abysmally, you might almost say criminally fails to educate these people in sensible and effective birth control practices because his boss the Pope says that the use of birth control devices goes against god's wishes.


These people are born in this environment, live all their lives in it then die in it.


Sterilization is painless and humane. It doesnt detract from sexual enjoyment in the least and I can say that with authority because after our second child I chose to have a vasectomy and believe me never regretted it for one moment

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