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Can the UK afford to house and feed the world,

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And yet billions are starving
Are there?
and don't have access to clean water, if the UK had to be self sufficient and used all its available land for food it can only feed 15 million people to the standard we have now.


On a planetary scale using all available land to grow cereal crops we can only feed 16 billion with the minimum amount of food, water would be a bigger problem.


And even then, that's more than double the current population.

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Why do people that want to save everyone always suggest that the people than know the planet is over populated should commit suicide or give up antibiotics.

They never actually say what they will give up the feed the people they feel sorry for, not one poster that feels sad at the starving as offered everything they have to help the starving world.

The people that took part in Band Aid, they claim to feel sorry for these poor people and yet they live in life well beyond a sustainable level. It’s always about someone else giving up what they have to help the people they feel sorry for.


Why would anyone offer everything they have? Few people are philanthropic to that degree. However, there is evidence that shows many donate what they can afford, and others volunteer their time. People give their goods to charity shops, and others buy from them. All these things help.


If I was a younger person, with no financial responsibilities, I'd probably do some volunteering, possibly with this organisation:



If you feel strongly that we should all do more, perhaps explaining what you do as an individual could encourage the rest of us.

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Thats already happened. Antibiotics were doled out like sweeties back in the day, now they are severely rationed.


We're doing our bit to sustain our corner of the globe. We should under no circumstances pay out our money to fund overpopulation of other peoples countries.


I think he was asking if you personally would refuse anti biotics, not if our society as a whole has made their use more targetted. Afterall, you (personally) dying from an infection is natures way of keeping the population levels balanced and if other people from outside your immediate family stopped curing you and thus propping up the population figures we'd all be better off.


It's never quite such a good idea when it's being applied to yourself is it?


Re: the argument that went, "they were starving 27 years ago and they still are", they aren't. There are different countries with different problems, these problems include man made ones like war, if nobody collects the harvest then everybody goes hungry, and drought, the latter can be mitigated with good irrigation that makes use of deep water sources, which is where some of the aid money goes.

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No, of course it couldn't. But then nobody has suggested it should and we aren't trying to.

They have and your suggestion that no one as, would imply you know what every person in the UK thinks and has said.



You as well ask if the UK should detach the island and move it south into the Caribbean, it's just nonsense.



Based on some evidence of over population?

Based on scientific evidence from many sauces and observation of overpopulated areas.


It tends to be environmental disaster that does that. The UK is one of the most heavily populated bits of land in the world, but you don't see many people starving here.

And we can't feed everyone without importing food from other countries, in many cases from countries were people are starving and yet we continue to increase the population.


And finish with wishy washy statement about nature, what is that actually supposed to mean with regards to the UK feeding and housing the world?


Thats come back to the same people wanting the UK to feed and house the poor of the world.

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Why would anyone offer everything they have? Few people are philanthropic to that degree. However, there is evidence that shows many donate what they can afford, and others volunteer their time. People give their goods to charity shops, and others buy from them. All these things help.


If I was a younger person, with no financial responsibilities, I'd probably do some volunteering, possibly with this organisation:



If you feel strongly that we should all do more, perhaps explaining what you do as an individual could encourage the rest of us.


I don't feel anything, I just hate people saying we should do more to help, its not for them to deside what we should do, they should just focus on what they want to do.

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Are there?



And even then, that's more than double the current population.


And doubling the population would be the maximum amount of people that the planet can sustain, assuming everyone lives to the same standard as the poorest person on the planet.

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And doubling the population would be the maximum amount of people that the planet can sustain, assuming everyone lives to the same standard as the poorest person on the planet.


Can you name anyone who has said the UK should feed and house the world?

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This would suggest that most of the figures from MrSmith are factually incorrect, and that his predictions are the same.


According to estimates by the FAO there were 925 million under- or malnourished people in the world in 2010.[9] This was a decrease from an estimate of 1023 million malnourished people in 2009.[10] In 2007, 923 million people were reported as being undernourished, an increase of 80 million since 1990-92.[11] It has also been recorded that the world already produces enough food to support the world's population.


As the definitions of starving and malnourished people are different, the number of starving people is different from that of malnourished. Generally, much fewer people are starving, than are malnourished. The numbers here may provide some indication, but should not be quoted as a number of starving people.


The share of malnourished and of starving people in the world has been more or less continually decreasing for at least several centuries.[12] This is due to an increasing supply of food and to overall gains in economic efficiency. In 40 years, the share of malnourished people in the developing world has been more than halved. The share of starving people has decreased even faster. This improvement is expected to continue in the future.


Year Share of undernourished people in the developing world

1970 37 %

1980 28 %

1990 20 %

2005 16 %

2007 17 %

2009 16 %



The problems seems to be decreasing at a steady rate, and that's despite population growth.

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They have and your suggestion that no one as, would imply you know what every person in the UK thinks and has said.

Nobody here has (possibly 1 poster), can you show me someone that has? Who were you setting yourself up to argue with in your OP?






Based on scientific evidence from many sauces and observation of overpopulated areas.

Care to actually provide some of that evidence? :huh::huh::huh:



And we can't feed everyone without importing food from other countries, in many cases from countries were people are starving and yet we continue to increase the population.

We could, we'd have to stop leaving fields empty, and maybe even start growing things in our parks and gardens, but we could.




Thats come back to the same people wanting the UK to feed and house the poor of the world.

Who are these people?

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