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"no kissing" CPR advert what do you think?

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Unfortunately you spend at least 12 years of your life at school only being taught how to pass exams rather than how to deal with real life.


It's only been that way since the introduction of the GCSEs and the reduction of the optional subjects (we were allowed 5 for our last two years).


Really though, the responsibility for preparing children for life after school lays with the parents.

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Really though, the responsibility for preparing children for life after school lays with the parents.


Surely first aid falls under the remit of education? A good percentage of parents wouldn't have the ability or knowledge to teach their children first aid (not just CPR). So it has to be done by schools (or others)

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Surely first aid falls under the remit of education? A good percentage of parents wouldn't have the ability or knowledge to teach their children first aid (not just CPR). So it has to be done by schools (or others)


I wasn't responding to whether schools should teach it (I think they should, which you would have realised from my post immediately preceding the one you quoted).

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Ooh, I right like this advert.. I think it's good too because tbh, I'd have never attempted it because I'd have scared I would do more harm than good, I wouldn't have had a clue when to push, but I knew there was a song but never remembered it - but this advert is so odd that it sticks in your head!


Look how many people are talking about it, it can only be a good thing.


Oh and I think teaching first aid in schools would be a brilliant idea.


I haven't seen the advert, but first aid isn't that hard and shouldn't be something that people are scared to do. Admittedly, when I had my recent first aid test, I was butterflies but when I responded to a woman falling and breaking her leg, it was second nature.

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Which is what the training is supposed to do (make reacting second nature), a bit like riding a bike.


Exactly. Scary thinking about it beforehand, but when it happens... you just react without as much as a thought. That's why people shouldn't shy away from it.

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I haven't seen the advert, but first aid isn't that hard and shouldn't be something that people are scared to do. Admittedly, when I had my recent first aid test, I was butterflies but when I responded to a woman falling and breaking her leg, it was second nature.


But, I remember someone saying that you shouldn't practice CPR on someone who is healthy and fine, why?? Would it kill them?? So what happens if I do CPR on someone who's collapsed, could I end up killing them?? That's a very scary thought!

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Getting air into the patient is important, I think it's pretty irresponsible for them to have put this out because effectively what they're saying is "If you don't know how to do CPR, just do the chest compressions". Which is fine but..

And is also the current medical advice for untrained or first aid trained people! Keeping the heart beating is more important than air, and chest compressions have the effect of causing some air to move in and out anyway


If someone is walking by and sees somebody giving chest compressions, they might just walk on by thinking that the situation is being dealt with, when in fact they might be able to deliver a better standard of first aid by administering oxygen through breaths as well as performing chest compressions.


I think the advice is, if you are trained, perform CPR as you were trained, including the breaths.


This is new announcement is aimed at laypeople.

It's the way some 1st is being taught now as well. If there is just one person then only do compressions. If you have spare people then do breaths as well.

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Surely first aid falls under the remit of education?


Did your parents not teach you to read and write, basic maths? I know all of us (me and my two brothers) could read and write and do simple maths before we entered school?

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But, I remember someone saying that you shouldn't practice CPR on someone who is healthy and fine, why?? Would it kill them?? So what happens if I do CPR on someone who's collapsed, could I end up killing them?? That's a very scary thought!


Haha it's not. They teach you the correct procedures to minimise anything like the above happening. Why not get yourself down to St John's and see if you can volunteer. Free training and all that :)

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