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UK Military Warning To Iran Over Strait Closure

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Day before that I enjoyed a Rib Eye steak medium well done.


Day before that we went out and had a Philly cheese steak sandwich. Dont suppose you'd even have a clue what that is


Day before that we went to the Red Lobster and had a seafood dinner


Day before my wife cooked up lamb chops, mashed potatoes and veggies


Day before that we went out for Chinese-American. Nothing like the rubbish they eat in China


Day before that we ate Greek. The Giros were fantastic


Day before that we ordered Pizza all dressed. Eyetalian-American that is.


Has the definite article been banned in the USA?

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Has the definite article been banned in the USA?


If you mean burgers we dont eat them much. They're cheap and greasy.

Might be okay for Sheffield palats though.


What I did list as what we eat is pretty standard fare. Nothing fancy about that.


If I wanted fancy I'd dine at Ma Maison in Beverley Hills at a hundred plus dollars a plate and exchange winks with Angelina Jolie sitting at the next table


Anyway this thread has gone way off track. It will be closed if we dont get it back on the subject.

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Why don't we just stay out of it.


This will result in a lot of deaths. We don't want more blood on our hands after what Blair did in Iraq.


No more British deaths fighting for American oil.


Agree with you.


American do not care about any other country's business, why we always care about American's.

Mind our own business! We have enough trouble to deal with.

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I am the poor, and my computer is about 50 years old.

It was made by a firm called Babbage.

It has a sticker saying 'Faraday Inside' on it.


No, it is the responsibility of the americans to feed the world, I am afraid.

You must face it.

With great power, goes great responsibility.


Americans feed themselves rather well. Rather too well in many cases.


But - unlike the Brits - they grow their own food. They do not import food from starving people in sub-Saharan Africa.

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Americans feed themselves rather well. Rather too well in many cases.


But - unlike the Brits - they grow their own food. They do not import food from starving people in sub-Saharan Africa.


It's the diversity of our diet that does us, unlike the US we can't live on "meat" patty's, cheese, and (minimal) salad on a "bun", though we are trying our hardest to catch up. :hihi:

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So are you telling me that all those people you see queueing at MacDonalds, Burger King, KFC etc are Americans on holiday? :hihi:


As Harleyman pointed out, there is indeed a large number of fa(s)t food emporia in the US, but there is also no shortage of 'proper' food.


I lived in Mississippi for about 18 months. MS is the most obese state in the US - It may well have the highest level of obesity in the world.


I was told: "The reason so many people are fat is that they are so poor. They have to live on macaroni cheese." I replied: "Maybe, but they don't have to eat two boxes at a sitting." The real reason for the high obesity levels in that state may have something to do with the amount of fried food and sugar they consume. If you go into a café or restaurant and order iced tea, then - unless you remember to say UNSWEETENED ice tea, you will get a pint glass of ice, 'tea' and half a pound of sugar. There is no shortage of fresh vegetables in MS, but many of them are eaten fried! Fried green vegetables?:gag:


You won't see many emaciated people where I'm living at the moment. Indeed, many people are clinically overweight, but the level of morbid obesity around here seems to be rather less than it is in Sheffield.


The UK is officially the fattest state in Europe. I don't know where Sheffield would come on the 'fatties' list, but I wouldn't be surprised to find that it's some way below Glasgow and way above a number of places in the South.


As for Sheffielders not overeating, did you see this thread?


are there any BIG steak pubs or restaurants in or near sheffield minimum 32oz ?


"...i remember the 52 oz steak at the merry lads it was free if you finished the meal,but it came with all the trimmings about two shovelfulls of chips 2lb of peas and half a field of salad ..."


A 52Oz steak would provide 10 meals in my house!


Pot. Kettle. Black.

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Anyway, to bring this back on topic and distract our 'Merkin cousins from thinking with their balls rather than their brains, next week the UK is dispatching HMS Daring, a HMS Type 45 Destroyer which is said to be the most sophisticated warship on the plane. ;).


Apparently it can single handedly do the job of five Type 42's or the whole of the 5th Fleet on a weekend.


The US Navy can keep warm in the hanger for now.

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