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UK Military Warning To Iran Over Strait Closure

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chili con carne, gumbalaya, clam chowder, new york deli, boston beans, philly steaks, maple syrup, blueberry muffins. pierogis, kielbasa.


From Buck's list:


Chilli is good (provided it's green)

I like Jambalaya and I like Gumbo ( I think I'll pass on Gumbalaya:hihi:)

Clam chowder is good, too - but you can keep the rest of that Yankee and Polack stuff:hihi::hihi:

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I agree.


Should there be any military action, then I suspect it will be 'limited' to actions against the Iranian Navy, coastal SAM sites and surface-to-surface missile sites.


Many Iranians may dislike their government, but should foreign forces invade the country, it wouldn't surprise me if they disliked the invaders even more.


A perceived 'real' threat to close the Straits might well cause a strong surge in the price of oil. There might (as Harleyman said) be some shortages . and those shortages would be worse in some places than in others - but the effect on World Trade and on the global economy would be considerable.


I'm sure policy makers in the Iranian regime have taken significant positions in oil derivatives. They're not stupid.

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It must be a pretty compact vessel if it's being flown on station by plane. :D


Anyway I await with breathless anticipation the news of the adventures and achievments of this sea going wonder.


I hope it's captain isn't the same one who did nothing when the Iranians took some of his crew hostage a year or so back

I don't know if Tony has ever served on one of Her Majesties ships. I have, from carriers to a frigate for a very long time. My frigate Naiad was the latest and best when she was commissioned in 1964, but faced with possible action in the Straits of Hormuz, she would have been found a bit lacking. Your Wunderboot may be many things to many people but if she cannot provide air coverage from her own deck, she is meat.
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I don't know if Tony has ever served on one of Her Majesties ships. I have, from carriers to a frigate for a very long time. My frigate Naiad was the latest and best when she was commissioned in 1964, but faced with possible action in the Straits of Hormuz, she would have been found a bit lacking. Your Wunderboot may be many things to many people but if she cannot provide air coverage from her own deck, she is meat.


You were a professional navy man for many years so you probably know more about such matters than just about anyone else on the forum.


From what I've heard on similar threads the current Royal Navy has two carriers either currently under construction or already completed but they dont have the aircraft for them yet. I could be wrong however.


Anyway, although the Iranians have been issuing threats about closing Hormuz for a long time they would be seriously shooting themselves in the foot due to the simple fact that they would be unable to get their own oil supplies to Japan and other client countries. I would at least give them credit for realizing this

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I don't know if Tony has ever served on one of Her Majesties ships. I have, from carriers to a frigate for a very long time. My frigate Naiad was the latest and best when she was commissioned in 1964, but faced with possible action in the Straits of Hormuz, she would have been found a bit lacking. Your Wunderboot may be many things to many people but if she cannot provide air coverage from her own deck, she is meat.


I've make no claim at all, you can do your own research on HMS Daring, but I did I read that on exercise the 'Merkins asked them to turn Daring's RADAR off because it was spoiling their game. :|


You should be pleased that it's on your side.




Edit: The phrase the US Navy used was that Daring was ""constraining the training" .

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I've make no claim at all, you can do your own research on HMS Daring, but I did I read that on exercise the 'Merkins asked them to turn Daring's RADAR off because it was spoiling their game. :|


You should be pleased that it's on your side.




Edit: The phrase the US Navy used was that Daring was ""constraining the training" .



Your obviously silly suggestion originally was that HMS Daring could take care of dealing with the Iranian navy all by itself. This is what I call late night braggado after the boozers close :hihi:

You must be quite an expert at that.

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The americans have never won a war, on their own, except the war of independence, and they were British at that time.

The British have either,

a) Won the war in all but the finale, and the americans come in for the glory (WWI&2)


b) they have had to have us backing them up, to show them how its done.


Look at the balls up they made in Vietnam, if we had gone on their side, they would have won hands down.


The reason appears to be that they are generally an undisciplined rabble.

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