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UK Military Warning To Iran Over Strait Closure

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You should try thinking with your brains, not your balls.


Have another go.

Anyway, to bring this back on topic and distract our 'Merkin cousins from thinking with their balls rather than their brains, next week the UK is dispatching HMS Daring, a HMS Type 45 Destroyer which is said to be the most sophisticated warship on the plane. ;).


Apparently it can single handedly do the job of five Type 42's or the whole of the 5th Fleet on a weekend.


The US Navy can keep warm in the hanger for now.






PS, if you'd been using the correct organ previously you'd have realised that the typo should read "planet".

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The americans have never won a war, on their own, except the war of independence, and they were British at that time.

The British have either,

a) Won the war in all but the finale, and the americans come in for the glory (WWI&2)


b) they have had to have us backing them up, to show them how its done.


Look at the balls up they made in Vietnam, if we had gone on their side, they would have won hands down.


The reason appears to be that they are generally an undisciplined rabble.


They even got help for their own war of independence :D

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The americans have never won a war, on their own, except the war of independence, and they were British at that time.

The British have either,

a) Won the war in all but the finale, and the americans come in for the glory (WWI&2)


b) they have had to have us backing them up, to show them how its done.


Look at the balls up they made in Vietnam, if we had gone on their side, they would have won hands down.


The reason appears to be that they are generally an undisciplined rabble.


To be fair, until the war of Independence was won, wasn't it us fighting us?


Anyway onto rest of the rubbish that you posted, America have won plenty of wars but how would have our input won the war in Vietnam?

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They even got help for their own war of independence :D


Of course they did but it was a situation where poorly trained Miltias with no experience of war found themselves up against arguably the best army in the world.

Quite possibly if General Howe had not decided to resign his commission and return to England the war for independence might have been lost even before the French intervened.


Ir was however manifest destiny that the colonies achieved their independence and who can argue with that.


The Americans did win the war against Mexico and also the Spanish American war. They helped turn the tide against Germany in WW1 and provided the greates supply of weaponrry and manpower during WW2 on the western side. On a level with German General Erwin Rommel and Russian General Georgi Zhukov they also produced the greatest armoured warfare strategist on the western side, George Patton who despite the flaws in his character was a General who wasn't afraid to go in and kick ass big time.


After suffering initial reverses they also succeeded in driving North Korea back across the 38th parallel and brought them to the conference table


As for Vietnam that war was lost on the streets of America and in the halls of Washington aided by the rotten corrupt South Vietnamese government

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You should try thinking with your brains, not your balls.


Have another go.







PS, if you'd been using the correct organ previously you'd have realised that the typo should read "planet".


And here's me thinking you were talking about some new wonder type destroyer that could be quickly sent on station by plane and no doubt remotely controlled by Commore Ferkin of the Sheffield Volunteer Naval Reserve :hihi:


Yes I knew you meant "planet" but sometimes you just leave yourself open to my rapier like wit Merkin Man :D

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The americans have never won a war, on their own, except the war of independence, and they were British at that time.

The British have either,

a) Won the war in all but the finale, and the americans come in for the glory (WWI&2)


b) they have had to have us backing them up, to show them how its done.


Look at the balls up they made in Vietnam, if we had gone on their side, they would have won hands down.

The reason appears to be that they are generally an undisciplined rabble.


What a load of Bollix but why am i not surpised looking at the source? The British Army prevailed in a decades long struggle with Communbist guerillas in Malaysia but that was a far cry form taking on the North Vietnamese Army who were experienced warriors of long standing and commanded by generals who were highly capable commanders and also well supplied with weapons from China and Russia and the Vietnamese were imbued with the best kind of inspiration in any war... the fight for independence and freedom from the presence of foreigners


Harold Wilson that Tyke born Communist probably made the right decsion in not agreeing to supply troops for that war. There would have been thousands of Tommy casualties as well and the end would been the same anyway.


Please do go on manifesting your astounding ignorance. I'm really enjoying this thread :D

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That would be the UN, you mean :)


I'm not much of an expert on the Korean war. I could never really get myself interested in that conflict. I do know that there were some heroic stands against the N'K.s like the "Chosin Few" Marines at the Chosin resrevoir and the Glorious Glosters on the British side

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I'm not much of an expert on the Korean war. I could never really get myself interested in that conflict. I do know that there were some heroic stands against the N'K.s like the "Chosin Few" Marines at the Chosin resrevoir and the Glorious Glosters on the British side


It's not known as the forgotten war for nothing.


Basically North Korea Kicked the South's ass, the UN backed force then kicked the North Korea's ass, then China kicked the UN's ass, then MacArthur wanted to nuke China and Truman sacked MacArthur; after which the situation settled down.

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