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UK Military Warning To Iran Over Strait Closure

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And on cue, the US President holds a press conference where he outlines his plans for reducing the size of the American armed forces with spending cuts of $450 billion. You really have to wonder if the appetite exists for another major war.


There are cheaper more nasty ways to fight a war, especially during a global crisis. Not everything has to be precision delivered. People can be turned against their fellow citizens. Really we've been tested enough times with stories about collateral damage in Iraq. We hear that tens of thousands of civilians died almost like a throwaway line. But each one is a personal tragedy.


People baying for blood need to get a grip and discover a bit of humanity.

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All being well yes, but it wouldn't be certainty. The questions are, should the US armed forces be responsible for the actions of the EUs diplomacy, is there the public will for another major war in the US, and could the US afford another major war?


Not a chance. If the Iranian navy attempted to forcibly block the Strait of Hormuz then a short duration of concentrated air attacks against the Iranian Navy and Air Force would be the likely reaction. As for invasion and boots on the ground.... forget it !


A quick bloody nose would do the Iranian leaders a lot of good.

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Not a chance. If the Iranian navy attempted to forcibly block the Strait of Hormuz then a short duration of concentrated air attacks against the Iranian Navy and Air Force would be the likely reaction. As for invasion and boots on the ground.... forget it !


A quick bloody nose would do the Iranian leaders a lot of good.


Yep totally agree.

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Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul has gained a sizeable amount of support from members of the military. Paul's foreign policy is however in the whacko category. He would close down every overseas base and bring every US serviceman home which is a far fetched idea to say the least along with his absolute isolationist policy

His beliefs however somewhat echo the sentiments of a nation and a military grown weary of years of foreign wars.


I have to wonder though why career servicemen would see his policy as being beneficial to them. After all a huge US based military force would hardly be practical to maintain.


All that would happen is redundancy slips going out in the thousands and future careers suddenly terminated plus few million civilians in the armaments and support industries also suddenly finding themselves on the dole

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If Cameron and Sarkozy care to join in. I dont think the Royal and French navies have a sizeable force in that part of the world though. It will be mainly down to the US


Whoosh, was that the sound of a pair of F15's going over your head?


Nope, it's just a Tornado and a Mirage again. :|

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Whoosh, was that the sound of a pair of F15's going over your head?


Nope, it's just a Tornado and a Mirage again. :|


Dont be ridiculous. The US has a great big fleet of carriers, destroyers and subs already in the Persian Gulf. Why would they sit back and let the UK and France carry out the operations on their own?


The Libyan conflict wasn't just a Franco- Uk operation either. The US Navy fired off a few million dollars worth of missiles at the beginning which degraded Ghadaffis forces to a considerable extent


BTW Obama warned the Iranians about blocking the Strait of Hormuz a few days before the Uk issued theirs


The US navy by the way operate F-18s Time to brush up on your weaponry technology :D

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