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UK Military Warning To Iran Over Strait Closure

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Not having a go but do you know who's just forked out to explore potential afghan oil reserves ? The Chinese. So really, no oil, but some cheap plastic toys come christmas. Bring em home.


Meanwhile, back on topic, without an aircraft carrier if the uk sabre rattling just that? When was the last time the RN involved in ship to ship fisty cuffs after the Falklands, apart from a few Somali pirates ? Surely we could have dropped other things to give us an operational aircraft carrier.


Vast untapped mineral wealth in the north of Afghanistan. Look it up. Also, Afghanistan is highly strategic - mostly why the soviets spent years trying to capture it. Also It's as much about getting oil supplies from a to b as it is about recovering them, the ding-dong at Hormuz being a case in point.

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Why don't we just stay out of it.


This will result in a lot of deaths. We don't want more blood on our hands after what Blair did in Iraq.


No more British deaths fighting for American oil.


Blair got well paid to take the UK into that war.

He also brought a new lot of terrorists attacks (or attempts) to the UK with that invasion of a foreign country.

Just to finish off, he made half the population paranoid about various things.

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Iran is going to get hit hard and soon. The sooner the better in my opinion. The good people of Iran need saying from there insane leadership.


Good thinking.

Blowing the Iranian people up with an American bomb is a fantastic way to save the good people of Iran from their leadership.


Now, try to remember where you left your brain.

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Blair got well paid to take the UK into that war.

He also brought a new lot of terrorists attacks (or attempts) to the UK with that invasion of a foreign country.

Just to finish off, he made half the population paranoid about various things.


Any examples?

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They should have took it back by force or obliterated the entire area it was being kept in.


Another post where checking behind the sofa to see if the brain was left there would be a good idea.


The US launch an illegal mission into a foreign country but their drone was captured.

You then want the US to start another illegal war to hide their illegal military incursion.

Red hot idea.....not

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Another post where checking behind the sofa to see if the brain was left there would be a good idea.


The US launch an illegal mission into a foreign country but their drone was captured.

You then want the US to start another illegal war to hide their illegal military incursion.

Red hot idea.....not


oh dear oh dear oh dear

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Any war against Iran will be conducted from aircraft carriers and missile carrying destoyers/submarines.


There'll be no charge of the Light Brigade or Gunga Din stuff in any of that :D


Aircraft carriers, although highly desirable, aren't strictly necessary for dealing with Iran. The US has a large airbase on the island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. Coupled with air to air refueling, they will be able to launch air strikes all over Iran in a matter of days. If the whole of NATO gets involved, then there is the option of using the Incirlik Air Base in Turkey. The US also has a large air presence at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan and no doubt if the shooting starts, it will be firmly within Iran's sights. The Afghanistan will no doubt register a token protest, which the US will ignore. The US would use Bagram to launch air missions deep into Iran.


If the UK gets involved, then we'd also be able to use RAF Akrotiri on Cyprus. Again, with mid air to air refueling, and cooperation from Turkey, we'd be able to hit Iran from there.


There is an interesting article here outlining the likely events if Iran ever decided to close the Straight of Hormuz. The upshot is that within a short time, the straight would be open again and Iran would have been stripped of it's command & control and naval & air defence capabilities. The subsequent economic damage to Iran (oil blockade etc) would be catastrophic.


I can't see Iran ever risking this course of action.

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Why do you call everything "Merkin" that is American? Is this some new "Sheffieldspeak" that we on the other side of the pond have not yet had the privilege of being acqainted with? :D


If it ever came down to a really serious shooting war with the west against some country that had real balls in it's weaponry who do you think would be the mainstay force on the western side?


You tend to get carried away with yourself old lad. Merkinspeak fumes are clouding your judgement


I mean no disrespect to the RAF, the Army or the Royal Navy but they are not what they were 50 years ago. Budget cuts and downsizing have seriously reduced their capability of carrying out a campaign single handedly against a well equipped foe


.The Falklands war was a pushover. Most of the Argies were green conscripts who had no stomach for a real war. A sunken battleship and a charging squad of Ghurkhas turned them to liquid smoolash !


Do you think Saddam could have been kicked out of Kuwait without US involvement ? I think not


As for the enigma machine what I understand is that a Pole managed to smuggle it out in bits and pieces and it fell into the hands of the bright boys of Brit intelligence who re-assembled it and eventually succeeded in breaking the code. Kudos for that ! It went a long way towards winning the war


I mean no disrespect to the Yanks, but you've never gone into any of the recent conflicts alone. You have begged the UK and other nato countries to provide soldiers, hardwear etc for your little exploits.

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There is an interesting article here outlining the likely events if Iran ever decided to close the Straight of Hormuz. The upshot is that within a short time, the straight would be open again and Iran would have been stripped of it's command & control and naval & air defence capabilities. The subsequent economic damage to Iran (oil blockade etc) would be catastrophic.
I don't believe it's as straightforward as that author (summarily) puts it, however.


More of a catch-22 situation, and the longer the economical crisis endures, the more the balance favours Iran (with China in its back-pocket...or reciprocally anyway) over "the West".


Witness the ongoing back-tracking/temporising by the EU about its threatened import ban/boycott.

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