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Ignorant people parking in disabled parking spaces.

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No no no. He loves Morrisons they have lots of things he doesn't need on twoferones which he likes to buy then give to me or his pal Alan :| If I have to take him we go to Asda although he does like Waitrose and spent two hours there just before Christmas..... he only bought a Heston Blumenthingy posh vienetta but had a nice look round :roll:


Just looking around that place would bankrupt you :)


The reason I asked was, I often see a young lady there wandering about with her elderly father. Very much like the scenario you mentioned :D

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We'd just parked up in the Carver St car park before Xmas when a car rolled into the disabled spot next to the pay meter. As my wife returned with the ticket she pointed out the three lads that got out, and we both stared daggers at them as they strolled off. One of the lads then stopped in his tracks, jogged back, opened the passenger door, opened the glovebox, and then placed a disabled notice on the dash. At this point our blood was just about coming to a boil.



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Your Dad sounds like a wonderful shopping partner - nothing wrong with having a good browse......


You can borrow him if you like! He even has a discount card for B&Q on Wednesdays and :hihi:


Sorry for thread derailment I'll be getting told off soon.

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I have a Disabled Badgue due to my inability to walk without crutches and even then, walking causes pain and a knock on effect which will run into the next day, but if I see someone with a wheelchair in the back and there is a spot further away from the one nearest the shope, I will aim to park there due to all the faffing about that people have to go through getting the thing out of the car and set up.


I also get filthy looks from people as I am "only" 51 and people seem to think that you should be old and decrepit to warrant a Disabled Badge.


Must admit, I have been blummin pleased to have had one when I had to collect my carrier bagful of prescriptions from the chemist. and parked on the double yellow lines!

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Sorry I think I helped the derailment.......


Agent Orange - nothing will make me lose my soul - it's out there in every beat of a good track and every step on the dancefloor!


Stranza - B&Q discount card?? Your Dad is getting more and more attractive!! haha!


Right, back to topic - my step dad actually stopped talking to a long standing friend of his when he found out that he would blatantly park in a disabled space without any second thought. They've not spoken since, that was some 5 years ago!


Fit and able people, whatever car you've got, just stay in the trillion parking spots you're allowed or feel the death stare from those you're blocking!

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What are your thoughts on Mother and baby spots?


Apart from the lack of policing and resultant abuse, which is irritating, I don't know what to think of them.


If you mean what do you think of the actual idea of parent & child spots, then there's not really much to think about. They are usually only found on private commercial land, for commercial reasons. If the shop feels that they are going to get more custom by providing them then that is up to them.

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I have a Disabled Badgue due to my inability to walk without crutches and even then, walking causes pain and a knock on effect which will run into the next day, but if I see someone with a wheelchair in the back and there is a spot further away from the one nearest the shope, I will aim to park there due to all the faffing about that people have to go through getting the thing out of the car and set up.


I also get filthy looks from people as I am "only" 51 and people seem to think that you should be old and decrepit to warrant a Disabled Badge.


Must admit, I have been blummin pleased to have had one when I had to collect my carrier bagful of prescriptions from the chemist. and parked on the double yellow lines!


I had a friend, sadly no longer with us, who was disabled after an horrific accident, and he would refuse to park on double yellow lines and complain about disabled people that did. Not to their faces, since he had the temperament of a dormouse, but to anyone who would listen.


I can still hear his words etched in my mind now, "It's either safe to park there or it isn't, and the yellow line means it bloody well isn't. If it isn't then there's the risk that somebody's going to end up in my shoes."

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There seems to be a lot of misuse of the badges as well, a few years ago I was working at the new hotel building next to the town hall I had to take a load of steel guarders there, there was one entrance in and out of the site and that was a narrow path that I could just get the truck in ,when I came to back out of the site there was a car parked in the lane with a disabled badge in the window not only could I not get out of the yard I could not even get out of the truck as I could not open the doors to get out and tell the site to open the gate for me move forwards after half an hour of horn blowing they opened the gates so I could get out, behind me were 3 other trucks waiting to get in, this arse hole brought the whole area into a stand still for 2 hours,as we stood there waiting for something to happen the bloke came running across the road and jumped into the car and started backing up some abuse was shouted at him as he drove off,he opened his window and shouted f off,if I had got hold of him he would have been a bit more more polite for sure.

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