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What moves you?

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As a nation we Britons are a generous bunch when it comes to giving to charities. But what moves you to to make a donation and why? What are the moral or ethical considerations you take into account when you donate, or is it more a question of raw emotion that prompts you to cough up? :)


Would you donate to any of these causes?


A. Natural disasters abroad, including famine

B. Sick and/or disadvantaged children in this country

C. Medical charities including research

D. Animal charities here or abroad

E. Armed forces charities

F. Conservation charities

G. Homeless and/or ex offender charities

H. Overseas charities

I. Other

J.Nothing would persuade me to donate anything to anyone ever :o

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My legs.




Nah I was thinking about this last night actually, and I think the most depressing thing about the world today is North Korea.


Fine, Africa is starving, but so is North Korea, except they're trapped with not a hope in hells chance of ever being able to leave.


And if they did manage to weave their way over electric fences and past the snipers and through the biggest minefield in the world, their family is murdered by the Government.


The worst thing is, unlike Africa, there's not much any of us can do to help.


And also the only pictures available in the mainstream media of North Korea, is the stuff they've hand picked to be broadcast so much of the world think everything there is hunky dory.


That's why for my money, it's the most moving cause.

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I agree North Korea must be a hideous place to live, but no we can't do much to help, apart from the substantial food aid programme that has been in operation since the famine of the 90's.


They do receive food aid but unfortunately North Korea are more bothered about extending their nuclear programme than accepting the millions of tons more of food aid (which they need) which would be offered if they were to cease it.


I would literally, in the most literal sense of the word, be dead than live in North Korea.


But nowdays people are more bothered about helping Tigers in Burma.

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I would rather give the money away to some local charity, that can improve the area around us.

I donated money to local fireman counselling services, and I just gave my mate £300 pound to help her out. As she is struggling with money due to a family matter, and I told her to just pay when and if.


I don't like the thought of donating abroad, the saying goes charity begins at home.

I would not mind helping those abroad by offering my voluntary services to the charity's. I think you would get more of a experience out of it then.

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I would rather give the money away to some local charity, that can improve the area around us.

I donated money to local fireman counselling services, and I just gave my mate £300 pound to help her out. As she is struggling with money due to a family matter, and I told her to just pay when and if.


I don't like the thought of donating abroad, the saying goes charity begins at home.

I would not mind helping those abroad by offering my voluntary services to the charity's. I think you would get more of a experience out of it then.


So would you never donate to a charity that wasn't local? If it was local what sort of charity might you donate to?

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I don't like the thought of donating abroad, the saying goes charity begins at home.

I would not mind helping those abroad by offering my voluntary services to the charity's. I think you would get more of a experience out of it then.


Charity's not for you though. It's not about you having a life changing experience digging a well for some appreciative villagers somewhere, it's about them getting fresh water.


As for the OP: I would donate (when I actually have some spare cash) to most charities. Generally I don't donate to religious charities, unless I'm absolutely sure that none of my money will be spent on proselytising, and it will all go towards providing actual material assistance to those it represents.


EDIT: For example so many people got conned by Mother Theresa into thinking they were donating to her foundation to help the poor when in fact they were paying for her to build more convents and train more nuns.


I don't buy into the charity begins at home shtick at all. Charity begins with those who need it.

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