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I only give to local animal charities as animals have no say in the way we treat them.


As for the latest promotion to provide clean water to third world countries,why the devil can't they dig their own wells,as our forefathers did?


Why should we hand over our hard earned cash to people who are too idle to try and help themselves?


I give to local animal charities, as I think they give great value for each penny donated.

With regard to your view of people in the third world digging their own wells I have to ask you: if you had no tools to dig said wells, and had no knowledge of the danger of dirty water (as we had no understanding in this country up until the 1800's, hence huge and repeated cholera outbreaks) would you not welcome someone's help in both education of the health risks, and the basic tools to access clean water?


We could throw zillions into Africa,but it will still be a basket case for generations to come.

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So would you never donate to a charity that wasn't local? If it was local what sort of charity might you donate to?


I think I would donate to services for the kids on the estate. A lot of youth clubs and support groups are being shut down due to cut backs. I would donate money in these areas.

I have a 13 yr old I like to keep off the street and away from trouble.

I don't want him following the same path as some boys round here.


He is a hard working student at parkwood, he working above national average. His a year 9 and he is doing work on a gcse level already they have predicted him high grades.

He loved attending youth groups ect , but like I said due to funding they are closing. Leaves me thinking where will all the kids go??

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My 3 kids aged 13, 10 and 3 at Christmas all did the donate to hallam kid thing.

They even got a shout out twice for it, as they used their pocket money to pay for the items. They wanted to do it to help out kids less fortunate and I was dead proud of them to.

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