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Internet dating.. good, bad or just plain ugly??

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I generally found the experience to be a positive one and most of the girls I met were perectly normal, although I did meet a couple of strange girls along the way.


It's no different to dating anywhere else, really. The best thing I suppose, you can vet the person more thoroughly before deciding to meet them.

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Internet dating is for people who have failed to find companionship amongst their real world counterparts.


But yeah whatever, give it a go if you can't find anyone.


The only issue is, the foibles which would usually be seen almost immediately in the real world, wont be found until after you've been taken in by the glittering self promoting presentation that is required on your profile on all of these dating sites.


It's much easier for people to lie and not mention their bad points.

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It's no different to dating anywhere else, really. The best thing I suppose, you can vet the person more thoroughly before deciding to meet them.


This is fundamentally and absolutely false in just about every respect. You might as well get it over and done with and meet a person (just follow the Laws of Dating (to be safe)).


Why (before you ask) because people can and will say ANYTHING and a lot of people are very very good at coming across very nicely online to turn out to be a user in real life. See Time Wasters for more information.

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So would you say to take it all with a pinch of salt until such time you believe someone to be honest? Do a lot of people lie online?


Use your head ALL of the time. Sure, you can meet some very nice and genuine people online, but being that little bit more careful when going on Online dates is always crucial :)

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YOu will always be judged on your looks/profile photos so try not to look like a complete idiot.


When on your date, try you best to not look down your partners top and never keep dropping money on the floor as a means of having a look up your partners skirt.


When dancing, try not to dance as if you have red hot poker stuck up your bottom


When talking, try to keep it simple, avoid political debate and never admit your are a member of the green party.


Try to big up your job title, for example if you say you are a "tank commander" she will think you are a soldier driving a tank around, whereas a "tank commander" could mean that you actually work in a pet shop and you take care of the fish tanks, cleaning out the fish tanks etc....


Always play it cool when the bill arrives and never blow your top if your partner has ordered expensive food. When the waiter arrives with the wine, insist on testing the wine by swilling around in your mouth and then saying "yes, we will have that wine" - this gives the impression you are sophisticated


Hope this helps and good luck with your dating

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the_rudeboy - did you find love?

I got a wife. Does that count? :hihi:

It's no different to dating anywhere else, really. The best thing I suppose, you can vet the person more thoroughly before deciding to meet them.
Just like real life though, you don't necessarily spot the nutcases straight away.
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