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Internet dating.. good, bad or just plain ugly??

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Internet dating is for people who have failed to find companionship amongst their real world counterparts.



Internet is the real world...just a different format


So would you say to take it all with a pinch of salt until such time you believe someone to be honest? Do a lot of people lie online?


People do online exactly what they do offline and vice versa.


Like any form of interaction the more needy you are, more is the chance that a user will pick that up and use it.

Never arrange a date without caming first.

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Well as a girl I'm not planning on looking up anyone's skirt!! But it's nice to hear that you would expect the man to pick up the bill....... I assure you that doesn't happen.

and why not????? because yorkshire men are tight ........yorkshire born yorkshire bred ....strong in arm but weak in head

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Haha! I think it's more that it's seen as a bit old fashioned but I wuold personally be quite touched if a guy offered to pay. Just like if they opened a door for me - there are some old fashioned manners and gentlemanly behaviours which are still very worthy. I do like a gent!

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I sense you have had a bad time with the interweb dating thing? :)


It's crucially important to make sure people know the facts of online dating. Going into OD with a level head is the best way to maximize the experience. Going in thinking it's all going to be a bed of roses is a sure fire path to disaster.

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Well as a girl I'm not planning on looking up anyone's skirt!! But it's nice to hear that you would expect the man to pick up the bill....... I assure you that doesn't happen.

and why not????? because yorkshire men are tight ........yorkshire born yorkshire bred ....strong in arm but weak in head


I wouldn't pick up your half of the bill either...more likely If i'd know the date would probably not have happened.


To expect the tab to be picked up for you on a first date is ironically "tight".


I guess you're single. :D

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Haha! I think it's more that it's seen as a bit old fashioned but I wuold personally be quite touched if a guy offered to pay. Just like if they opened a door for me - there are some old fashioned manners and gentlemanly behaviours which are still very worthy. I do like a gent!



I always open doors for people. Manners go far, especially in this day and age.


My advice, treat internet dating like you would traditional dating. It's the same thing, but with a modern twist.

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