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Internet dating.. good, bad or just plain ugly??

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YOu will always be judged on your looks/profile photos so try not to look like a complete idiot.


When on your date, try you best to not look down your partners top and never keep dropping money on the floor as a means of having a look up your partners skirt.


When dancing, try not to dance as if you have red hot poker stuck up your bottom


When talking, try to keep it simple, avoid political debate and never admit your are a member of the green party.


Try to big up your job title, for example if you say you are a "tank commander" she will think you are a soldier driving a tank around, whereas a "tank commander" could mean that you actually work in a pet shop and you take care of the fish tanks, cleaning out the fish tanks etc....


Always play it cool when the bill arrives and never blow your top if your partner has ordered expensive food. When the waiter arrives with the wine, insist on testing the wine by swilling around in your mouth and then saying "yes, we will have that wine" - this gives the impression you are sophisticated


Hope this helps and good luck with your dating


Some really top tips here.Would you recommend wearing or carrying something related to one's profession to subtly confer some status.I find it better to meet in a central place where arrival by tram is quite acceptable and finding safe parking for the moped can cause delay.

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Currently dating ladies off a certain large dating site. I intend to keep using it because it works for me although it is a steep learning curve to get the most out of your subscription.


I think it's easier for girls as guys will generally make the first move. I get a few winks here and there but not always from people I want to meet.


The dates:


I've found them all to be really great girls so far in different ways, although I haven't had that thunderbolt yet. It can be expensive if you go out for meals so I've started going for coffee or even walks to keep costs down. Drinks are OK but if it's busy and noisy (like at christmas) that's no good.

The other thing is make sure there is a place to sit! I've been caught out like this before and it's not a good start. Reccy the place out first if needs be.


I can only speak for guys in terms of etiquette but here are a few golden rules:


Get a girl to look over your profile (Girls get a guy to look over yours). I like to 'show not tell' in mine, which means telling a joke or a funny anecdote rather than saying 'I have a sense of humour'.


Guys (I am one) must be a little patient, if she does'nt respond straight away don't freak out. She is either busy with stuff, getting through her inbox or isn't interested.


Even still I've mailed with no response and then mailed again a few weeks later (alluding to the fact I previously mailed - this works!) and started something so don't despair.


Talk to people on IM if possible, it is easier and less time consuming than emailing back and forth and is more 'intimate'. Although mailing a few times is OK at first. Make sure you get the digits and escalate to a date pretty quick. She isn't after a pen pal.


Be funny in your messages (I like to be a bit cheeky), but don't be rude or get too sexual (at first!!. You are trying to get a foot in the door, not the door in your face.


Don't come across as clingy or needy. If you are clingy and needy this is a tough one.


Have a plan. Know where to take your date. If you are travelling to her city then this one doesn't apply. Let her surprise you!


For girls:


Don't use POF, its full of knob-heads / time wasters. Match is waay better!


I have just invested in two small folding seats and a large flask.Sheffield canal and the bigger parks are ideal venues for a walk,and a free cup of coffee is no expense.On a wet day splashout on two day-savers and take one of the many circular bus routes round the city.Maximum spend of £9 with a bag of Fultons Fudge thrown in.

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I have just invested in two small folding seats and a large flask.Sheffield canal and the bigger parks are ideal venues for a walk,and a free cup of coffee is no expense.On a wet day splashout on two day-savers and take one of the many circular bus routes round the city.Maximum spend of £9 with a bag of Fultons Fudge thrown in.


Who says romance is dead?

Good idea though that folding seat, might have to invest in a pair!

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Ive done internet dating before. Nothing exciting happened. Tried Match years ago and had a couple of dates. Problem with it nobody seems willing to pay, or at least people I contact seem not too.....


Was on POF last but gave up. As a previous poster said, it seems to be full of knob heads and women get sick of and tarnish the males with the same brush.


Overall though I personally do find the sites a bit cringing but when you get to my age there is not always much chance of 'pulling' on pubs, singledom all the way for me...


Always worth a try for any newbie..

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Don't give up Turbo - why don't you come out on our singles night...... it's looking like it's going to be quite 'intimate' (not in a funny way) but there are only a few of us who want to go out so maybe we'll just go for dinner somewhere - would be nice to all get together and at least have a night out with other singletons - maybe make some new friends?!

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I met my lovely bloke online 3 years ago. It was me who approached him, something which I'd never have the guts to do in real life as I'm very shy. I was only on there a couple of days and the amount of messages I got was ridiculous, it gets very tedious especially when it's obvious they haven't read your profile, but then they are so easy to ignore if you wish.

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It's so difficult meeting someone. Sometimes it feels like your the last single person out there. I've tried internet dating before but it wasn't successful. The way people came across online was completely different to them in the flesh. So don't think that online chemistry translates to real life. That said I would have a go again when I feel I have no other way of meeting someone. It would be nice to meet someone naturally.


I've heard mysinglefriend.com is quite good as well so may be give that a go.:)

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