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Local judges forcing up your leccy bills!

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THE number of people growing cannabis in South Yorkshire has been branded ‘quite astounding’ by a top Sheffield judge.


And Judge Murphy revealed a staggering two thirds of the cases on his list for the morning court session involved production of the Class B drug.


These judges do more harm than good.


All that happens is other people grow it instead. If it wasn't for people growing it here, we'd be importing it. And that'd be even worse for our economy.


So more electricity is used, police waste their time, the courts get clogged up with non-criminals, violent people are released from prison to make way for hippies.


Electricity goes up in price, taxes have to go up to jail more people, cannabis rises in price and less is spent in the non-black-economy.


Buy Sheffield grown and support your local economy.


It's just a stupid waste. People jet off to Amsterdam, when they could stay here in South Yorkshire. There's no jobs, yet we could create many in the cannabis coffeshop industry.


It is complete madness.


These judges and the police state need to stop persecuting people, they do more harm than good.


We need to legalise and regulate, what concerns me is good quality ganja grown in a place where nobody is at risk from fire.


Prohibition does not work.

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There's definitely a case for allowing people to grow a limited number of plants for personal use. It would stop the rather nasty gangs who have got into the home-grown trade in recent years.


But I don't get how local judges are forcing up our leccy bills.

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Staggering naivety from the judge:-


"I do not accept, particularly after the publicity given to these offences in recent times, that people do not know how serious it is."


Unfortunately, the publicity is largely anecdotal or blatant lies (Brown describing it as "lethal", what a joke!). Most people aren't as easily fooled as they used to be.


"This cannot go unpunished. People must realise this is a serious crime."


It's a crime by virtue of being illegal, though I've never heard any justifiable reason why that is so when other drugs are legal. If used in moderation, it's not any more 'serious' than having a pint.


"It would be a disaster to think that your families, and in future your children, could become involved with drugs."


They inevitably will anyway, since one of the most destructive drugs is legal and freely available for sale. The statement makes no sense, drugs are a way of life for humans and always have been.


"The more the use of cannabis is tolerated, the more risk there’s going to be for the future."


The same argument used to justify prohibition in the U.S, and we all know how well that turned out. The risk is only by virtue of the drugs illegality, since it's sale and use remain unregulated. The regulation of booze seems to work pretty well.


"Officers discovered 14 plants yielding 4.4kg of cannabis with an estimated street value of £14,000."


If you can really make 14k from 14 plants (I don't believe a word of it), then it's clear that the damage to society from organised criminal gangs getting in on the action will outweigh the damage any cannabis use could cause.


Clearly, all prohibition has done is given organised criminals power, money and legitimacy. While at the same time costing taxpayers a fortune for virtually no result. A staggering failure.

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There's definitely a case for allowing people to grow a limited number of plants for personal use. It would stop the rather nasty gangs who have got into the home-grown trade in recent years.


But I don't get how local judges are forcing up our leccy bills.


More has to be grown to meet demand, in turn there is increased demand for leccy, to both grow and prosecute pointlessly the masses.


This forces up leccy prices.

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More has to be grown to meet demand, in turn there is increased demand for leccy, to both grow and prosecute pointlessly the masses.


This forces up leccy prices.


It makes next to no difference to electricity prices when you divide the extra use by cannabis growers by the total number of bills.

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if we shot the druggies then it wouldn't cost as much as putting them in prison and their houses could be rented/sold to decent people


and as most are dole scroungers then we'd save on the benefits bill too


Come off it, the majority of drug users work, be it legally or in the black market. Or even both.


It'd make more sense to legalise, regulate and tax drugs and use the proceeds to build houses.


Have you got shares in Auschwitz 2.0?

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