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What would turn you into a Tory?

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Many round here are tribal Labour voters, but they seem to be dying out. I've never voted Labour and have no intention too, they don't represent workers, if anything they were the party of the landlords. I had a go at all members of my family and insisted they did not vote Labour either.


I've never voted Tory neither, but I reckon their housing benefit cuts are what was needed, mechanisms are now in force for private rents to be forced down. More money can then be put into the productive part of the economy.

Depending upon the rents set for social housing (currently they are fixed), I'll weigh up whether or not I like them. And whether or not they make it easier to build new houses, for we all need a place to live and there are not enough houses to go around thanks to Labour demolishing them and running high levels of immigration whilst youth unemployment sky rocketed.


What would make you turn Tory?


*I haven't turned Tory, there are other parties which have better housing policies IMO.

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If you have an idealogical belief nothing can make you go against it.


If you believe that tories are cynical, selfish, money grabbing, bloodsucking, running hyenas of the aristocratic classes, whose only aim is to destroy all that we have worked for in this country, then nothing will make you change that belief.


Or maybe not, as the case may be.

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Nothing would make me vote Tory except a legally-binding promise from them all to commit suicide if elected. Having said that, if it's a toss-up between the coalition we have now and a Labour government like the Blair and Brown ones I'd go for the present government, even though I wouldn't vote for them except as above. I wouldn't vote Labour either as apart from a ceasefire in Ireland, the hunting ban and the smoking ban they were just watered down Tories bringing us an economic disaster.

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If you have an idealogical belief nothing can make you go against it.


If you believe that tories are cynical, selfish, money grabbing, bloodsucking, running hyenas of the aristocratic classes, whose only aim is to destroy all that we have worked for in this country, then nothing will make you change that belief.


Or maybe not, as the case may be.


Sounds like your describing Labour tbh.


Throw in some LHA, buy to let and a parasitic landlord and your there.

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