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Balti King, Broomhill


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Agree with the general opinion: rubbish food (all the dishes seemed the same: bland and with weird little scrag ends of chicken, like the type you find in cheap ready meals), nice staff, absolutely no idea how it stays open.



Would hazard a guess at inebriated students!

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I think balance is in order. Colin says he likes the food,he gets called sad, he is accused of not knowing what food tastes like..yes that is insulting.

I like the 'stories' about waiters rumaging in bins for stuff presumably to cook for us unsuspecting drunks with no tastebuds! why not go the whole way and tell us about cats and dogs going missing in the area, that's what they used to tell us about places in Rusholme(where I grew up) to put us off visiting.

Can someone explain to me why I often see asian people eating there,not related to the staff,and not drunken students, perhaps they don't understand asian food either?

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