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Who Want's Fake Boobs Anyways? David Cameron?

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Any idea what started it to begin with? Whats supposedly wrong with them, leaking?


My sister has a pair, she hasn't mentioned anything about it, she might not know, or care.


I'm not sure but probably leaked (pardon the pun) information.


As has been stated..the implants are probably of no harm but if you find you've paid for something you haven't received then quite rightly you should be entitled to seek re-dress.

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Another one here completely agreeing with HeadingNorth.


Rampent and Nimrod should stop being pillocks and learn to recognise when they are being educated.


Love it !!! :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:


At the end of the day, IF these implants become life threatening then the NHS will definately take action, they will remove them and care for the patients as well as dealing with any further complications that have developed along the way. Cameron should be looking at the law and trying to find ways to make the private clinics/implant manufacturers face up to the problem and assist these terrified women. The NHS picks up the tab for a whole host of mistakes because they are the only organisation big enough to do it. Loads of mistakes are dropped by cosmetic surgeons, usually in the private clinics. Same happens when a hip replacement goes wrong in a private hospital, the NHS steps in and deals with it. If the laws were strong enough then the cowboys in the private medical industry wouldn't dare to put peoples health at risk by using shoddy/illegal/ incorrect practices or materials.


Education is one thing, Tory bull****ting and brainwashing is another.

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Love it !!! :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:


At the end of the day, IF these implants become life threatening then the NHS will definately take action, they will remove them and care for the patients as well as dealing with any further complications that have developed along the way. Cameron should be looking at the law and trying to find ways to make the private clinics/implant manufacturers face up to the problem and assist these terrified women.


A time machine, perhaps?


How else do you expect him to take action against a company which existed two years ago but doesn't now?

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What are you moaning at then? So you say the NHS are obliged to treat ALL sick people, but if they have to treat any of these women, it's a back door attack on the NHS by the tories.


As I said, Cameron knows the NHS will ultimately have to sort out any problems so he should be providing extra funding to prepare for it, but he wont. All his nasty party does is look at the NHS costs. I wouldn't trust Cameron to take my dog a walk, let alone run a country. He has several agendas running at the same time, all aimed at putting money in his pals/paymasters pockets. Yet again this week he stated he was going to tackle the banks....AGAIN !!!! He never manages to do it. All hot air and big lies, thats the Torys. I have seen in my lifetime PM's since Eden, Macmillan, the lot. The only decent Tory was Ted Heath, the rest were a load of charlatans. How many governments have you seen ??? :huh:

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A time machine, perhaps?


How else do you expect him to take action against a company which existed two years ago but doesn't now?


The owners/directors will be still around somewhere, so will some assets.

Remember how the Torys chased the Mineworkers Unions assets all over Europe ?? The same vigour should be applied to companys who vanish, leaving people in the lurch. Torys choose who to chase and who they allow to escape.

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