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What would turn you into a Labour supporter?

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And in the interim what are the Tories doing?

Nothing, or worse than nothing.

By merely cutting everything they are just overseeing the utter failure of the country.

They seem to have no coherent plan for the future.

The current leadership, Cameron, Osborn and Clegg seem to be too dozy to be able to anything at all.

Clegg and Osborn seem to be in some kind of a daze, and Cameron doesnt seem as if knows what planet he is on.


He reminds me of all senior management in this country unfortunatly.

Promoted far beyond their knowledge and ability, and totally incompetent.


Every time you see him, or them, your first thought is, 'Oh God what crap is he going to come out with now.'


Give this guy a cigar !!!! Spot on matey. Cameron knows he will be out on his ear next election so he is helping his pals earn as much 'bent money' as they can before he goes.

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For those already free of the burden of having to support Labour because that's how it's always been or because of events that happened three decades ago, what would turn you into a Labour supporter?


For a start,I think they would have to have some economic credibility which means they would have to overcome their habit of a lifetime of increasing taxes and spending.


Nothing would,i hope they never ever ever get their grubby hands on this country ever again!

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A policy of no intervention in other countries affairs.

A policy which cuts immigration to zero.

A policy that puts money into supporting British industry and farming with aim of becoming self sufficient.

A policy which aims to slowly reduce the UK population to a more sustainable level.

An English parliament.

A law that prevents MPs from lying and working in their self interest.

A policy that moves away from fossil fuels and into greener energy.

A policy which stops benefits for those that do nothing.



I concur.



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Give this guy a cigar !!!! Spot on matey. Cameron knows he will be out on his ear next election so he is helping his pals earn as much 'bent money' as they can before he goes.



If Boy Dave Cameroon will be toast at the next election, who do you think will win, please please tell me you are not A LIEbour voter. After all we may have only 45 minutes left.



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If Boy Dave Cameroon will be toast at the next election, who do you think will win, please please tell me you are not A LIEbour voter. After all we may have only 45 minutes left.




The tories should be made to sort this out.

They got us into this situation in the first place.

Or at least their banking paymasters did.

The trouble is, as we all expected, and knew, they will never dare make the bankers pay up, they are their paymasters after all.


No, it will be Joe Soap, the honest English working man who pays for it all, as usual.

People like Cameron and Osborn make me want to puke, just looking at them.

They have manouvered themselves into positions of power, and they do not have the faintest idea what to do.

They are just following instructions given to them by the plutocrats from the massive corporations.

They are beneath contempt.

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If Boy Dave Cameroon will be toast at the next election, who do you think will win, please please tell me you are not A LIEbour voter. After all we may have only 45 minutes left.




I HAVE to be a Labour supporter, there's no alternative. Cleggs finished off the Lib Dems with his treachery. Labour can be controlled.....go to meetings, join the party, if you are a Trade Union Member then attend your meetings. You CAN make a difference. Torys are permanent gangsters, Labour are small time wannabe's who we can GET RID OF. The worst one [bLAIR] has gone, thank God, so we can influence our Labour MP's. Remember, Labour airs it's dirty washing in public, warts an'all, the Tory scum do it behind closed doors. The Labour conference is a bunfight, an open argument, a free for all. The Tory conference is a PR exercise, with all the wrinkled up, blue haired old hags sat there voting to inflict pain and misery on people less fortunate than themselves.

I used to be 'all right Jack', then I got the worst kind of cancer, lung cancer. The care and kindness shown to me by the NHS and other caring organisations gave me a social conscience. I also campaign on behalf of Macmillan on political issues. As a charity they have to remain 'out of politics' so I and a few thousand more act on their behalf. Thats why I lean to the left. I learned to care about people, you dont learn this until you become vulnerable and frightened yourself. Remember Norman Tebbitt ??? Thatchers nastiest piece of work ?? When his wife was seriously injured in the Brighton bombing, our Norman mellowed a hell of a lot. He 'saw the light', he couldn't carry on doing Maggies brutal dirty work against the less fortunate. I am not ashamed of being a socialist, we opposed Andrew Lansleys proposals to reduce the priority given to cancer patients, AND WE WON !!!!!! The Torys want to abolish the Equality Act, thats the act that helps the disabled carry on working. The Torys want to allow employers to ride roughshod over them. They will lose that battle as well. Sorry, but Torys are vindictive scum who are just out for themselves.

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The tories should be made to sort this out.

They got us into this situation in the first place.

Or at least their banking paymasters did.

The trouble is, as we all expected, and knew, they will never dare make the bankers pay up, they are their paymasters after all.


No, it will be Joe Soap, the honest English working man who pays for it all, as usual.

People like Cameron and Osborn make me want to puke, just looking at them.

They have manouvered themselves into positions of power, and they do not have the faintest idea what to do.

They are just following instructions given to them by the plutocrats from the massive corporations.

They are beneath contempt.


When you say we do you actually believe everyone believes the same as you, or did you make a mistake and meant to type I.

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When you say we do you actually believe everyone believes the same as you, or did you make a mistake and meant to type I.


With a straight face, can you honestly tell me that you believe a single word they say about anything.

This government consists of the kind of men, that if they shook your hand, you would find your watch was missing.

Lying is their trade.

They are PR men, that is what they do.

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With a straight face, can you honestly tell me that you believe a single word they say about anything.

This government consists of the kind of men, that if they shook your hand, you would find your watch was missing.

Lying is their trade.

They are PR men, that is what they do.


I tend believe more of what the Conservatives and Lib Dems say than what Labour say, but I don't believe any of them 100%

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