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What would turn you into a Labour supporter?

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You would certainly change your attitude towards the Torys if you did. I mentioned the Equality Act, read up on it and what the Torys want to do with it.

When someone is scared, vulnerable AND trying to hold a job down whilst battling impossible odds the Torys are all you need. They try to take away the little bit of protection the law offers. I hope you never have to face the situation.......


That didn't answer the question why does getting cancer turn you into a Labour supported, I didn’t ask you why you hate the Conservatives.

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I’m too honest and say it like it is, so I wouldn’t get elected, people don’t like the truth. :)


No, you say it how you think it should be not how it is. It is also the reason you'll never become an MP nevermind get elected ... except for maybe the BNP.

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Stop reading the Daily Mail, get a social conscience and think for yourself. Labour is open to all suggestions, join the party, go to meetings and MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Labour policy is thrashed out in the open, Tory policy is planned in secret, in meetings with their paymasters.
Irony at its best. The Tories do of course listen to their donors, just as Labour and the other parties do. Unless you've been a member of the Conservative party, how are you able to comment on the way both parties work? Or do you base your impressions on what you read in the Mirror/Guardian/Socialist Worker?
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What would turn me into a Labour supporter?


A well paid lefty non job, would have me voting labour for the rest of my life.


Would would turn me into a lib dem supporter?


A well paid non job in the eu, whos job it was to impose regulations on small businesses. That would have me voting lib dem dor the rest of my life.


What would turn me into a Conservative supporter?


If I was running a small business and trying to grow it, the government cutting red tape, taxes allowing me to keep more of my own money and throwing all the leftys onto the dole


What a STUPID post relying on every stereotype going, You might well have said because Anthony Worral Thompson is a shoplifter and because Anthony Worral Thompson is a Tory, therefore all Tories are shoplifters.

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Labour is open to all suggestions


Its a shame they weren't when they started with Building Schools for the Future programme. They didn't want to know the shocking amount of waste and unnecessary expensive equipment, perhaps because their business cronies were supplying it?

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