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Which teacher used to scare you most ?


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Gabby Hayes Maths teacher at Ecclesfield Grammar. He was a little old man but he was sooo scary. If you spoke while he was speaking the board rubber would make contact at speed with your head. But he was a great teacher. Also the Headmaster Mr Jennings who could scare you with a look:hihi::hihi:

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Mr Haydock English teacher at Wisewood Comp in the sixties. Also the maths teacher but I cant recall his name. I never learned a thing because I was too scared to ask if I didnt understand anything. Thank goodness teachers are not like that any more. (I dont think they are anyway)

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Mr.Jennings Hatfield House Lane Secondary 1960's, he was a bully.


Yes. The as****e was still there when I went there when it was known as Firth park the late 70s. There were loads of bully teachers then. I was never scared of any of them but had a deep hatred and contempt for many of them

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