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Which teacher used to scare you most ?


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No one to compare with Killer Johnson at High Storrs in the 50`s and 60`s

Never raised his voice but there was something about him that terrified you. Having said that, his record of getting passes in history was unsurpassed.

One Christmas the class decided to buy presents for the masters, a kipper for Mr. Herring etc. Killer had been observed always sucking mints ans we bought a packet of humbugs. For a brief unguarded second we saw his human side as he was quite touched by this and explained to us he was chewing to give up smoking

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No one to compare with Killer Johnson at High Storrs in the 50`s and 60`s

Never raised his voice but there was something about him that terrified you. Having said that, his record of getting passes in history was unsurpassed.

One Christmas the class decided to buy presents for the masters, a kipper for Mr. Herring etc. Killer had been observed always sucking mints ans we bought a packet of humbugs. For a brief unguarded second we saw his human side as he was quite touched by this and explained to us he was chewing to give up smoking


Beg to differ with you somewhat, aramis. Killer Johnson maintained discipline in the classroom but I didn't find him terrifying. Monty Beaumont the gym teacher and Griffin, the French teacher - now they were a different kettle of fish. Monty played noughts and crosses on kids' bare chests with his finger nail, blew cigarette smoke in their faces, and flicked his key ring at bare chests. He once gave me a black eye. As for Griffin, if you saw him coming down the corridor toward you, you turned around and went the other way. He was truly terrifying.

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MRS BARRON BIRLEY JUNIORS...FORMALLY MISS VAUGHN..she taught french and she hated me!!! no idea why :confused:

i was so scared of her, i even remember her car reg no plate!!! as soon as i saw her car on a morning i felt physically sick

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Mrs Cooper at King Teds. Didn't matter where she was if you were doing anything wrong she'd see you. We called her Hawk Eye.:hihi:


Second post in - and someone mentios "Mrs Cooper"...!!! Not bad going!!!! :hihi: :hihi:


I remember being in Broomhill at lunchtime - we weren't allowed to eat in the street, if you remember - and one of my friends decided to take a sneaky bite of the sandwich she'd just bought.....


The next thing we heard was Ma Cooper bellowing behind us.. As we turned round in fear and trepidation, she was reducing this poor 4th year kid to dust and creating a scene on Broomhill main road because he'd opened a packet of crisps!!!! :hihi: :hihi:

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