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Which teacher used to scare you most ?


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Beg to differ with you somewhat, aramis. Killer Johnson maintained discipline in the classroom but I didn't find him terrifying. Monty Beaumont the gym teacher and Griffin, the French teacher - now they were a different kettle of fish. Monty played noughts and crosses on kids' bare chests with his finger nail, blew cigarette smoke in their faces, and flicked his key ring at bare chests. He once gave me a black eye. As for Griffin, if you saw him coming down the corridor toward you, you turned around and went the other way. He was truly terrifying.


He sure did, and, looking back, he was a damn good teacher, but to an 11 year old facing that red face staring at you and calling you a "great soft thing" I found terrifying.

I agree Monty was a sadist

Now Griff, I had a lot of time for. I think , until you were taught by him his presence was daunting, but in class he could be fun wit his war stories. He was a bighead, but I liked him, he had a real sense of humour and a man`s man. When were you there ....me...58 - 65

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Teachers who terrified me ....In the early 60s Annes Road Heeley, Mr Goulding (Lurch) total terror!! . Four years on, most of the female teachers at Newfield Girls School...... Namely Mrs McPhun the Geography teacher, came tops at number one ,as she wrote on my report "Works well when present" , despite me having a lot of time off school with an illness , spending time at hospitals and physio, then working really hard to catch up on all subjects and acquiring top marks in the end of year Geography, science, English, RK, house craft. Mrs Fletcher, Mrs Hughes & Mrs Quinlan were also nasty people but they have to settle for second place !! I have wanted to get this off my chest for 46 bloody years now , and finally DONE IT! WHHHAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!

Come on, Newfield girls from 65-69 You know who I mean!! Having quote the terrors........ there were some nice ones........... Mrs Camblan, Mrs nelson, Mr Batty (the only male teacher at the time) , Mrs Lawton .





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Teachers who terrified me ....In the early 60s Annes Road Heeley, Mr Goulding (Lurch) total terror!! . Four years on, most of the female teachers at Newfield Girls School...... Namely Mrs McPhun the Geography teacher, came tops at number one ,as she wrote on my report "Works well when present" , despite me having a lot of time off school with an illness , spending time at hospitals and physio, then working really hard to catch up on all subjects and acquiring top marks in the end of year Geography, science, English, RK, house craft. Mrs Fletcher, Mrs Hughes & Mrs Quinlan were also nasty people but they have to settle for second place !! I have wanted to get this off my chest for 46 bloody years now , and finally DONE IT! WHHHAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!

Come on, Newfield girls from 65-69 You know who I mean!! Having quote the terrors........ there were some nice ones........... Mrs Camblan, Mrs nelson, Mr Batty (the only male teacher at the time) , Mrs Lawton .






Works well when present is an apposite observation.

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Ivor Haythorne at Jordanthorpe ... visible blue veins in his neck and temple when he was getting irate ... this guy was a psychopath!


I will second Haythorne, not a psychopath, just a thug. If your reading this Ivor, you made history lessons a waste of time 'cos no one could stand you.


Mr Vic Hall on the other hand, never had to raise his voice and I never wanted his geography lesons to end. A true gent.

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Mr Priest at Shiregreen Middle school

Mr Edwards head teacher at Hinde House School

Mr Edwards may have been the same one at meersbrook bank in the late fifties early sixties ,drove a motor bike and combination big bully.

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.................I wonder, after reading all the posts, if any of the teachers have read them too, and what they have made of them.............? Or maybe they are all dead! I think Pat Glister taught a t Abbeydale Grange, I saw her fairly recently in Sainsburys.


I have perhaps been lucky. I feared no teacher at Carterknowle/ Greystones, infact three teachers stand out at junior school. Mr Fessey, Miss Holt and Miss Edwards, lovely all of them.

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