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Drivers shafted again!

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Originally posted by Sidla

You can't excuse speeding by saying "everybody does it, so it must be OK".

The thing with speeding is that there are so many circumstances that should really be taken into account before you decide whether someone is driving dangerously e.g. their level of skill, reaction times, type of car, weather conditions, number of other vehicles on the road, visability etc, etc. Now I know that in reality this isn't practical so instead we have fixed speed limits to try and keep speeds down. This works to a certain extent but the reality is that every time someone drives there will be times when it is safe to drive more than the prescribed limit. 99% of people will follow their own judgement in these circumstances and I don't think the label of "criminal" is really justified.

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I think we all agree that speeding is against the law and is punished by way of fines and points.

Sadly we now live in times where speeding is almost the norm,in my line of work it is almost vital that I constantly break the speed limit.

This does not mean that I go screaming through residential areas at 60mph,I still respect the fact that peope live their lives there and children can be around at anytime and drive accordingly.


While most people wont admit to speeding on a regular basis,its a fact that most people do.


I have admitted to speeding due to my work,however if I am caught speeding then I must pay the price by way of fines and points because that is the law.

So this levy may make us think twice before hitting the gas,it may make peoples jobs abit harder but as with all things,thats life.

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It all seems a bit odd, really.


If I'm speeding, then I will be fined £60 + £5. The £5 is not just to pay compensation to the victims of road crime - but to the victims of ALL crime.


So, as a motorist caught for doing 45mph in a 40 mph zone I will be asked to pay compensation to the victims of muggings, burglaries, rapes, murders. Is it because motorists are an easy target? Because it certainly doesn't seem to be as a result of any real sense of justice or fair play.

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Originally posted by slh73

I took it from that that they are punishing the perpetrator. If youre speeding, youre breaking the law. The only people being targeted are the ones in the wrong. Stick to the speed limit, dont get fined. Makes perfect sense to me.


All well and good, but a speeder is hardly a rapist or murderer. More often than not, it is simply a matter of taking ones eyes off the speedometer for a few seconds and tricking a few mph over the limit. Speeders should be punished, but why can't the generated money be put towards road safety and improvements rather than being directed to the victims of more serious crimes? Let rapists pay for victim support for their victims, not drivers.

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'Surcharges' and not stealth taxes retorted Baroness Scotland (another Home Office Blair Babe plant?) making a complete idiot of herself on Newsnight last night to Paxman who just shrugged his shoulders in amazement at her explanation!


So, we are all, (that is those of us they can 'march off to the cash machines')having to contribute through 'top up' fines to help victims of crimes! And those who are the cause of the majority of the 'victims of crime' will as usual put up the famous two fingers! because they do not have the 'ability' to pay.

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Originally posted by t020

Speeders should be punished, but why can't the generated money be put towards road safety and improvements rather than being directed to the victims of more serious crimes? Let rapists pay for victim support for their victims, not drivers.

I think the reason that the money does not go to road improvements is because there's already enough money going into road improvements. The problem is not that there is not enough money, the problem is that there is not enough people who wish to work on road maintenance. Maybe instead of fines we should give people compulsory community service, where they do a week working on road safety.

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My point was that once again the motorist was in the frontline for raising funds for Goverment policy. I admit that whilst driving I break the limit and if caught accept that I will have to pay a fine and recieve points as a penelty. No argument. Nobody hurt.

Should, whilst speeding, I become involved in an accident and someone is hurt or property damaged then yes, as there is a third party involved, I should indeed pay into this levvy.

Quote Mr Blunkitt: "The effects of crime on the lives of its VICTIMS can be devestating." As over recent years the offence of speeding has become as socially unacceptable as drink driving are we motorist up there with the murderers, muggers and rapists who will simply stand up and say "Can't pay, won't pay?"

Even Mr Anthony Forsyth of Victim Support commented "We are uncomfortable with the idea of linking this extra income with these sorts of minor offences."

I also noted that if you are to be found drunk in public that you also stand to recieve the extra top up fine. How many of us stand to be eligible for that on a weekend I wonder?

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