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Cut pay or lose job

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You got to ask yourself this.


Do I take a pay cut, or do I go on the dole?


If you are a mortgage payer, then I'd advise you to take a pay cut because when you are on the "rock and roll", as a home owner you get nothing from the state.


Could you manage your bills with a 5% pay cut, or could you manage your bills on £67 a week?


the choice is yours.

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Lose job every time


I suppose the sensible way would be to hold a ballot. If they find 200 who think losing their job is the way to go then the job is done. The ones who think that keeping their jobs is more important can then retain theirs.


Maybe they should cut the pay of their top earners, not sure if there are more recent figures but this article from 2008 states that Doncaster council tops the fat cat pay league.



They said on the news this evening that the higher paid had a cut of around 15% just before Christmas and the CEO took a 25% cut when she took over.

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For the sake of arguement lets say you earn 200/week


Now your employer comes along as says that the company is in dire straits. It can recover if it cuts it's costs.


That means:


A. You take a 5% pay-cut


B. You're made redundant, You end up on JSA


What would you rather, £190 a week or £65?


I know which one I'd choose.




On the money. JSA is only paid for 6 months now any way.


There are 2 different types of JSA, Income Based and Contribution based.


Contribution based is based only on your National Insurance contributions and takes no account of savings or your partner's earnings etc. This is only paid for a maximum of 26 weeks


Income based JSA is a means tested 'poverty benefit' and depends on your savings and household income. you can stay on this for a long as you qualify, so unless you get alternative income or get a job you continue to qualify. There is no set lenght of time for Income Based JSA and you can remain on it until you find work.



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People are forgetting a payfreeze in the public sector for 2 years and yet the government could find the money to send cruise missiles reigning down on Libya at a cost of £100M a go.


So we all want to start thinking like the elite do we? It's the thin end of the wedge when we do - perhaps the subsidised bankers would like to chip in to Doncasters coffers after the Fat Cats at the top have had the chop and their wages reinvested in services that matter!



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People are forgetting a payfreeze in the public sector for 2 years and yet the government could find the money to send cruise missiles reigning down on Libya at a cost of £100M a go.


So we all want to start thinking like the elite do we? It's the thin end of the wedge when we do - perhaps the subsidised bankers would like to chip in to Doncasters coffers after the Fat Cats at the top have had the chop and their wages reinvested in services that matter!




Cruise missiles costing £100M a go, are you sure?

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Cruise missiles costing £100M a go, are you sure?


Sorry - hit the 00s by mistake! Think it was 1 Million for each launch - they cost £0.5 mill but assume the £1M price tag quoted in a BBC news bulletin somewhere during the Libya crisis includes £0.5M depreciation - as it can't be used more than once! It's funny where they can find 'reserves' from isn't it? Or does it just get added to the National Debt for the Rockefellers and Rotheschilds?

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Sorry - hit the 00s by mistake! Think it was 1 Million for each launch - they cost £0.5 mill but assume the £1M price tag quoted in a BBC news bulletin somewhere during the Libya crisis includes £0.5M depreciation - as it can't be used more than once! It's funny where they can find 'reserves' from isn't it? Or does it just get added to the National Debt for the Rockefellers and Rotheschilds?


Money well spent eh to rid the world of an evil tyrant eh? Also I don't think they were purchased especially to attack Libya, they were in the inventory anyway, so it's a bit misleading to suggest that money was found to buy these missiles to attack Libya.

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not if it means you cannot afford to pay your bills


You wouldn’t be able to pay them if you lose your job, it’s better to cut back a little instead of a lot, fortunately the sensible decision as been made to save the jobs by cutting the wage.

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