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Cut pay or lose job

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why do some gullible people think its ok to tax a normal working man up to a third(33%) of his annual income yet think its ok for the well off to pay in some cases 1% of their income :huh:


Some of them get confused between narrow self-interest and objective political conviction motivated by the greater good of society.

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Is it wrong to say: "I worked for this, I earned it, it's mine, I want to keep it'?


Of course it's not!


Is it wrong for society to say: "You earned the money, it's yours, but we are going to take some back so that we can look after those who cannot look after themselves?


I suggest that is not wrong either (but some societies will take more to provide more and others will take less, expecting their members to provide for themselves. Either way money does not grow on trees. TANSTAAFL.


Some societies are big, others are small. Each hopes to survive. The place in which you work is a society, too.


If that society says "Yesterday we were doing well and you all got paid £X a week, but this week we aren't making as much money as we did and you can either take 90% of £X or 10% of you get nothing" which would you choose?


Would you be prepared to keep your pay at its existing level and see your friends out of a job or would you be prepared to take a pay-cut to help them?


If the company is earning less, then the management (and the shareholders) are taking a pay cut.


Which would you choose to do?


Take a pay cut yourself (and keep as many jobs going as possible) or

Insist on maintaining your pay and make the management decide who to lay off?


It's simple arithmetic:


If I have £1000 and 10 employees, then I can give each £100.


Next week if I only have £900 and there are still 10 employees, I can either give them each £90 or I can lay one off and keep the rest on £100. (I'll have to pay the one I let go his pay - and severance pay - but that might mean I have to let 2 people go next week.)


If I get rid of too many people, I may not be able to do the job and eventually (sooner rather than later) the company will fold.

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