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Independence for Scotland - Good or Bad?

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And the Scots would never again be ruled by Tories and have to be guinea pigs for such things as the poll tax.


Maybe it would see a partition like exodus of Scottish Tories moving South and people desperate to escape the Conservatives moving North.


Poll tax the fairest way to pay for the council services we use. Everyone uses them so everyone should pay.

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I don't know if it will be good for them, that's up to them. If I were Scottish, I'd probably want independance. From the English point of view it should be good as we won't have to subsidise them as much. Scotland will probably get a greater share of North Sea oil and gas revenues.

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I don't know if it will be good for them, that's up to them. If I were Scottish, I'd probably want independance. From the English point of view it should be good as we won't have to subsidise them as much. Scotland will probably get a greater share of North Sea oil and gas revenues.


North Sea oil revenues aren't what they once were. Oil production is falling pretty rapidly these days and is down to 1/3 of peak output and only about 1/4 of UK oil remains and much of that is difficult and expensive to extract.


At the moment oil revenues make up less than the UKs subsidy to Scotland as a whole, so regardless of who got the oil revenues I doubt Scotland would be better off financially.


But oil is rapidly running out so to base an economy on something that won't be around in 20 years seems a little foolhardy to say the least.


But to be honest I hope they do go. Once the oil is gone we will be tipping ever larger amounts of money into Scotland. I see this as a golden opportunity to get rid of the place and say goodbye to the West Lothian Question once and for all. :clap::clap::clap:

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Current UK Parliament


Tory 307


Lib Dem 57

Lab 258

Others 28


Tory 47% of seats



Without Scotland as part of the UK


Tory 306


Lib Dem 45

Labour 218

Others 22.


Tory 52% of seats


I don't think the Scargillistas are going to like that.

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