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Why are serial killers and paedophiles usually white?

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Give over that can't be right, can it.


:hihi::hihi::hihi: It kills me..... To quote Ali G "Is it because I have an alledged massive appendage ?" Peadophiles come in all different colours..... :hihi::hihi: See what I did there ? :hihi: got me coat.....

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:hihi::hihi::hihi: It kills me..... To quote Ali G "Is it because I have an alledged massive appendage ?" Peadophiles come in all different colours..... :hihi::hihi: See what I did there ? :hihi: got me coat.....


Hope you've got something big enough to hang it on. {see what I did there Spotty?} ;)

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First, your statistics are not credible. Second, thank you Rose. Third, Rose is correct. Fourth, you are WRONG! Over 70% of rapes are committed by family members, 17% are known assailants and only 6% are strangers. This means that it is generally a family member or a close friend of the family that rapes/molests a child. Therefore, if you are White and are molested, 9 times out of 10, your were molested by a White person. The same thing goes for Blacks, Latinos/Latinas, Indians, Asians, Arabs, etc. I don't know what's happening over there in london but in the USA, most victims of Childhood Sexual Assault are White kids and they were assaulted by White relatives and close friends of the family that were White. You should check out this website called: "List of Rape Myths". Here are some interesting facts from the site:


"Myth: Incest is rare.

Fact: Incest is common and happens in every community. An estimated 77% of reported sexual abusers are parents (57% of the total being natural parents), 16% are other relatives, and 6% are non-related. In addition, males are reported to be the abusers in 60 to 95% of cases. (Thoringer, School Psychology Review, 17 (4):614-636) "


If 77% are natural parents and only 6% are non-related. That means that the remaining 17% are known assailants that are not parents. Which, in turn, means that 94% are known assailants.


"Myth: Most rapes involve black men raping white women.

FACT The majority of rapes are same race; where around 3 to 4% are not same race."


"Myth: Most rapes involve black men and white women.

FACT 77% of the rapes reported to the Orange County Rape Crisis Center in 1991 involved persons of the same race."


"Myth: Rapists are non-white. Rapists are lower class. Rapists are "Criminal types".

Fact: Rapists that fit the myth are more likely to be prosecuted but a rapist can be anyone: doctor, policeman, clergyman, social worker or corporate president."


"Myth: You can tell a rapist by the way he looks.

Fact: Rapists are not physically identifiable. They may appear friendly, normal, and non-threatening. Many are young, married and have children. Rapist types and traits however can be categorized."


"Myth: Most rapes occur as a "spur of the moment" act in a dark alley by a stranger.

Fact: Rape often occurs in one's home - be it apartment, house or dormitory. Very often the rapist is known by the victim in some way and the rape is carefully planned."





Here are the websites:





wayhey... first cut and paste guys :P

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Serial killers



Serial murder lends itself nicely to the analytical methods developed here provided suitable data are available.


Only a few systematic accounts of the race and ethnicity of serial killers exist. There is an exhaustive study of African American serial killers (Homicide Studies 2005; 9; 271) by criminologist Anthony Walsh, and also Eric W. Hickey's book, Serial killers and their victims, Brooks/Cole, 1997. That's about it.


Walsh identified 90 African American and 323 white American serial murderers, all men operating between 1945 and 2004. (Though Asians, Hispanics and Native Americans were not included in the study, their addition would not alter the fact that most serial killers are white men.) African American serial killers made up 22% of Walsh's sample, a figure in close agreement Hickey's enumeration. But, as blacks number well below 22% of the U.S. population, they are actually overrepresented among the ranks of serial killers -- roughly by a factor of 2.


So, why are most serial killers white men? The short answer is that serial murder is primarily a male enterprise, and in the U.S. white men outnumber black men seven to one.


The long answer, however, is instructive**.


The ratio of black to white criminal offenders generally increases with the progression from passive white collar crime to pernicious violent crime. In 2003, for example, blacks were imprisoned for violent crimes at approximately 7 times the per capita rate of whites, but only 4 times the white rate for property crimes. Serial murder, by any reckoning, ranks at the top of this progression. Consequently, black serial murderers should, per capita, outnumber their white counterparts by at least a factor of seven. In actuality, the factor is closer to two. The appropriate question, then, is not why most serial killers are white men, but rather why black men are only twice as likely as white men to be serial murderers. Criminality distributions provide the answer. The mean criminality of black males is almost 1.3 SD greater than the white. But, with a black-to-white variance ratio of 0.46, white men display much greater variability. A symmetric way to view this is in terms of black homogeneity rather than white variability.



Either way, at the extraordinarily high level of criminality peculiar to the serial murderer, white representation increases.




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