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OCCUPY - How informed are you?

The global OCCUPY movement - How informed are you?  

56 members have voted

  1. 1. The global OCCUPY movement - How informed are you?

    • Done lots of research and fully understand OCCUPY
    • Done some research and understand OCCUPY a little
    • Done no research but would like to
    • Done no research and would not like to

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'Newsnight' has just featured a discussion piece about the need to reform Capitalism.


Would these sort of discussions be taking place if it wasn't for the Worldwide Occupy movements?


Let's face it Cameron has hardly been quick off the mark has he..


These discussions have been in the serious press for the last few years and although I'm no Cameron fan the coalition were proposing banking reform over two years ago at least.




So - no. Occupy nul points.

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But still nothing has actually been done....


Exactly, they will just talk about it, say what peole are wanting to hear and just string us along until labour eventually get back in, and they will do the same.

Occupy is a good sign people are waking up to the fact government are just selected puppets, having their strings pulled by Oligarchs.

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If i felt strongly about something....i would fully arm myself with knowledge... before making any kind of assumptions ;)


Now you really ARE getting into the realms of the ridiculous Solomon1 - most of the morons who are trashing your post can barely string a sentence together let alone use their brain cell to separate truth from fiction.


You must be thoroughly exhausted trying to waken the dead heads - I admire your tenacity and your courage but I fear you are on a hiding to nowhere - a mountain of ennui lays before you. (But of course, you've got the bottle to climb it).


Your pleas for patience and mutual respect are heart-breaking - and your appeals to past allegiances for support or at least, impartiality, were unsurprisingly, rudely rebuffed.


Remember that most of these dreamers will ridicule your aims in order to distance themselves from the homeless dreadlocked winos and wasters whom they THINK are the main protagonists in this struggle.


They want their imagined adoring audience to think that they are well off and carefree. They want to be on the side of the rich bullies. They don't want you disturbing their deep (if troubled) sleep.


They will do anything to reinforce their delusion - they are alright jack (they hope). Even as the flames lick around their feet, they are sure that they are in no imminent danger and so what if their children and grand-children inherit a world where even cockroaches struggle to survive - they'll be long gone by then. They've given up Solomon1 - surrendered.


So stop ranting you Muslim, xenophobic, aggressive troll - Coronation Street is about to start and the kids haven’t had their MacDonald’s Double Death Burgers yet.


The 'Hereward the Wake' British spirit died in them long ago, beginning perhaps with the odious Thatcher government - they are whimpering cowards in the face of what they see as a hard scrap – they can’t be arsed to listen never mind get off their fat arses and actually DO something.


They hope that by being very still and quiet, the monster will pass them by. Their simpering salutations to the almighty God £$£$£$£$ will, they hope one day see them safely installed in an earthly heaven. Don't wake them Solomon1 - as you've found they will despise you for it - they don't want to fight - they want to watch Corrie and play that new Wally Murs c.d.


They play out their daily charade of Mr+Mrs Affluent hiding the truth even from themselves. But when they arrive home, and open the door, they tremble at the sight of the mail laying there on their doormat like an unexploded bomb. They’re mortgaged and re-mortgaged to the hilt - up to the neck in crushing high interest debt.


Meanwhile their hero’s from Corrie are earning a few extra quid on the side doing ads – trying to sell them something they don’t need. But if Molly Bracketface off Corrie says it’s a bargain – then it’s a bargain.


There are a lot of people on here who are with you but as is often the case with reasonable people who care about others, they don’t want to rock the boat or make enemies. Good luck Solomon1.

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Anyone see Occupy on Andrew Marr's show this morning?


I thought they put up a sterling argument, in the face of some spectacularly uninformed opposition, although it has to be said the politicos seem to be attempting to change horses mid race. Wether that transfers into positive action is another matter. They talk the talk...


Anyway, well done Occupy. Dignified, courteous and determined. The message is getting through.

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Anyone see Occupy on Andrew Marr's show this morning?


I thought they put up a sterling argument, in the face of some spectacularly uninformed opposition, although it has to be said the politicos seem to be attempting to change horses mid race. Wether that transfers into positive action is another matter. They talk the talk...


Anyway, well done Occupy. Dignified, courteous and determined. The message is getting through.


I didn't, I just hope for their sake they were better than the plank on Jeremy vine on Thursday. She was awful.


I hope any changes made are made carefully. We dont need knee-jerk policies.

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It's OSC's self appointed job to persuade the public of the merits of their case, not the publics duty to go and talk to OSC




you are drowning.....and you'd like *me* to convince you to save yourself?




if you want to drown....you go ahead andy


all i can do....is warn you that the tide is rising :)

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