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OCCUPY - How informed are you?

The global OCCUPY movement - How informed are you?  

56 members have voted

  1. 1. The global OCCUPY movement - How informed are you?

    • Done lots of research and fully understand OCCUPY
    • Done some research and understand OCCUPY a little
    • Done no research but would like to
    • Done no research and would not like to

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Thanks for quoting my entire post again just to add your irrelevant non-joke to the end. People are more likely read it now that it appears twice.


Here is that link again just in case people still missed it.



I'm happy for them to read it and allow them to make their own minds up, what I won't do is call them stupid if they don't share my opinion.

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After switching to a bank such as the Co OP what is the next step.

I have posted several times before that I fail to see how change can be brought about without using the political process.

Whatever one thinks of politicians or the present system it is politicians who have the real influence in society to change things.

Protests can influence people but politicians actually make the changes.


In this case the protest is part if a much larger campaign.


But I put it to you that any protest has a massive unseen influence.


Why do you think we haven't used nukes in Iraq? Why do you think our politicians spend billions of pounds to minimize civilian casualties?


Why do you think we haven't invaded Iran yet? If we do, how do you think we will conduct ourselves in that war?


What do you think Obama is thinking when he looks at unemployment figures?


Why is it you get to vote at all?


The next step as far as I can tell is turning the heat up even more, then more, then more, then even more. Eventually they will listen. We will force them listen because we will be too loud too disruptive and too many to ignore.


Politicians only have influence because we give it to them. We can take it away just as easily. Once upon a time rulers used force to control us. Eventually we became too organized and educated for that to work. We rebelled and started implementing a system of representative democracy. When they try to corrupt or dismantle that system as they are doing, we rebel again, as we are doing. You cannot rule people who will not obey.


Tell me this. If 10 million people stand in London outside downing street and said we aren't moving until Cameron does how long would it be before he resigned? 10 million people just standing there would cause the entire city to grind to a halt.


The occupiers are the first of those people to arrive and this time it isn't just Cameron that has to go.

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You condemn people for not doing research which is rubbish and then you can’t be arsed to read the whole topic in which supporters of occupy insult the inelegance of everyone that doesn’t share their views.


I am not responsible for what other people say. If you're going to accuse me of something, please provide evidence of me doing it.

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In this case protest is part if a much larger campaign.


But I put it to you that any protest has a massive unseen influence?


Why do you think we haven't used nukes in Iraq?


Iraq was over well before Occupy was even dreamed of.

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I am not responsible for what other people say. If you're going to accuse me of something, please provide evidence of me doing it.


This appears to be your problem, you don't understand what is written in front of you; I haven’t accused you of anything. Then you attempt feebly to demonstrate your superior intellect by picking up spelling mistakes. Is there any wonder people don’t share the opinion of the occupy protesters if you a typical example of what they are like.

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The next step as far as I can tell is turning the heat up even more, then more, then more, then even more. Eventually they will listen. We will force them listen because we will be too loud too disruptive and too many to ignore.


Politicians only have influence because we give it to them. We can take it away just as easily. Once upon a time rulers used force to control us. Eventually we became too organized and educated for that to work. We rebelled and started implementing a system of representative democracy. When they try to corrupt or dismantle that system as they are doing, we will rebel again, as we are doing.


Tell me this. If 10 million people stand in London outside downing street and said we aren't moving until Cameron does how long would it be before he resigned? 10 million people just standing there would cause the entire city to grind to a halt.


The occupiers are the first of those people to arrive.


As we're plucking random figures out of the air why stop at ten million? Why not 4 billion people, that would cause the whole world to grind to a halt! (what good that would do I have no idea but you seem keen on things grinding to a halt for some reason).


Personally I'm not convinved that a couple of people and a dog outside a cathedral in Sheffield are going to persaude anyone of anything, let alone rising up against democracy in their millions.

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Did I actually call you or anyone else stupid MrSmith? Did I really? Coz I can't find it in this thread anywhere.


If you have a point to make about anything I've said please make it. Don't just throw baseless accusations around to try and win support for an argument that doesn't actually exist.




You do seem to have difficulty understanding what is written, I said I won't call them stupid, and not that you have called them stupid. It does highlight again why I wouldn't want to be lead by people that support Occupy; you tend to misunderstand most of what is written.

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I'm gonna screw the corporations and the government while I use;


- the internet (including the domain, hosting providers which are huge corporations)

- a computer / mobile phone (made by corporations who pay their workers very little)

- clothes made by small children who get paid very little



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Iraq was over well before Occupy was even dreamed of.


My point is that protest has an unseen influence.


Before the Iraq war the largest protest in human history happened right here in the U.K. It didn't stop us going to war but it did influence how we fought the war.

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My point is that protest has an unseen influence.


Before the Iraq war the largest protest in human history happened right here in the U.K. It didn't stop us going to war but it did influence how we fought the war.


No it didn't. Our armed forces have strict rules of engagement which were adhered to in the majority of cases. At no point did any officer order his men to start shelling an orphanage before changing his mind and ordering them not to having reflected that actually there was a big march in London so on balance probably better to shell the enemies mobile SAM battery instead.

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