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OCCUPY - How informed are you?

The global OCCUPY movement - How informed are you?  

56 members have voted

  1. 1. The global OCCUPY movement - How informed are you?

    • Done lots of research and fully understand OCCUPY
    • Done some research and understand OCCUPY a little
    • Done no research but would like to
    • Done no research and would not like to

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OK. You asked what a camera and IRC has to do with running a country. I'll tell you.


Camera's give us access to information. We can hold our politicians to account because we can see what they do.


IRC helps us to collaborate. Lots of organizations use IRC to communicate and it helps them work together. The beauty of IRC is that it's infinitely scalable. There is no reason why 6 billion people cannot be in the same chat room at once. "Politicians" included.


There. They weren't straw man arguments were they.


Now can you please tell us your idea before you ask me anything else. Fair's fair I say.


If you have nothing else to contribute but silly questions and insults I suggest you shut up, stop being negative and go and do some reading until you've developed a better idea of your own.


No I can't imagine a situation where it would be required to be honest. Maybe if we were about to be invaded by aliens perhaps.


You were the one who suggested it...

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The problem is that most people already know our system is crap, they have become apathetic and insulting them isn’t going to make them change their minds. The occupy movement are obviously passionate about their cause but need public support, but they appear to everything in their power to alienate themselves. If you want people to listen to what you have to say then give them something to listen to, that makes sense and don’t keep telling them to go and do some research or calling them idiots and stupid.


What exactly would you have us do MrSmith? I have been talking and sharing ideas all night. I have posted links to valuable sources of information. Every idea I suggest you say is unworkable or unrealistic. Every link I post you say is invalid.


All you do is criticize other peoples ideas without coming up with any of your own. This on its own I could still live with but what's really frustrating is that your criticism is usually invalid and ill thought out.


In fact most of the time it isn't even criticism of the idea itself but rather the messenger. You just accuse occupiers of calling other people names and then call for the mods when things start getting heated.


It would be worth having a conversation with you if you weren't such a cry baby.


I wonder how long it will be before this post is deleted.

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It would be a start if more people participated in democracy in their own localities here in Sheffield.


Yes, but even if that were to happen, nothing would change in The City of London - which is where change is more urgently needed.


Thus a 3 point manifesto might be something like:

1. All City of London Corporation cash and other financial assets be published in full, along with all historical financial records

2. Corporations be banned from voting in future elections – only humans can vote

3. All lobbying conducted by the City of London Corporation be banned permanently


That alone will achieve more than all the occupy movement have done to date.

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What exactly would you have us do MrSmith? I have been talking and sharing ideas all night. I have posted links to valuable sources of information. Every idea I suggest you say is unworkable or unrealistic. Every link I post you say is invalid.


All you do is criticize other peoples ideas without coming up with any of your own. This on its own I could still live with but what's really frustrating is that your criticism is usually invalid and ill thought out.


In fact most of the time it isn't even criticism of the idea itself but rather the messenger. You just accuse occupiers of calling other people names and then call for the mods when things start getting heated.


It would be worth having a conversation with you if you weren't such a cry baby.


I wonder how long it will be before this post is deleted.


Every post you make to Mr Smith seems to have some sort of personal put down...no wonder no-one is listening..you act as though you're 12 years old...

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What exactly would you have us do MrSmith? I have been talking and sharing ideas all night. I have posted links to valuable sources of information. Every idea I suggest you say is unworkable or unrealistic. Every link I post you say is invalid.


All you do is criticize other peoples ideas without coming up with any of your own. This on its own I could still live with but what's really frustrating is that your criticism is usually invalid and ill thought out.


In fact most of the time it isn't even criticism of the idea itself but rather the messenger. You just accuse occupiers of calling other people names and then call for the mods when things start getting heated.


It would be worth having a conversation with you if you weren't such a cry baby.


I wonder how long it will be before this post is deleted.


And every time someone disagrees, you insult them, I was talking about the occupy movement not you.

There is no point in different people from the same cause saying different things, you need public support and at the moment you're not getting it because of your actions and lack of coherent plan. Why would anyone want to plough through lots of incoherent links to dodgy looking websites?


You are doing immense damage to the cause you claim to support.

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Solomon1 you sway from troll, bully to lovely hippy. Which are you? If someone disagrees with you, you would serve your purpose better to remain lovely hippy rather than offhand, while waving your virtual hand in someones virtual face, practically chanting "I am not listening to you disagree"


Runnyrabbit saying Solomon1 has this thread under control makes yousound like a complete sheep and a bit weird. In what world does anyone have this thread "under control"?


I think anyone believing they get a balanced view from ANY news station has a slate loose. Every station/channel has an agenda which is set by a small group, usually for personal gain.


the best thing to do is to take in a wide source of output and use your brain to decide what's going on.


Occupy will change nothing. Not the way it is run and not with the people who currently have charge of it.

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You clearly need to read more.


If you have a version of history where the Rothschilds were executed by angry Russian peasants then lets hear it (or at least lets see some links).


I suspect you don't even have a version. I suspect you don't know any history at all. If you did you would know about the financing of the Russian revolution and you would know about the Rothschilds involvement.


All the "stories" I've ever seen about the Rothschilds involvement in the Russian Revolution have come what can only be described as "conspiracy theory" websites - usually of the far right (and often "christian") variety.


And it wasn't the peasants who led the revolution - it was the organised working class - the factory workers of St Petersburg and Moscow.

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I would guess he's in his 40s, from Boston, MA,(he said) English I think as he mentioned the word Corrie , just a guess.:)


He's English and lives in England and gave Mitt Romney's HQ as his address when asked for it.


Given his degree of conversion fever, I'd put him in his mid to late twenties, but that's a guess. If he's older than 30 then I suspect his friends like him in small doses.

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