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OCCUPY - How informed are you?

The global OCCUPY movement - How informed are you?  

56 members have voted

  1. 1. The global OCCUPY movement - How informed are you?

    • Done lots of research and fully understand OCCUPY
    • Done some research and understand OCCUPY a little
    • Done no research but would like to
    • Done no research and would not like to

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He's English and lives in England and gave Mitt Romney's HQ as his address when asked for it.


Given his degree of conversion fever, I'd put him in his mid to late twenties, but that's a guess. If he's older than 30 then I suspect his friends like him in small doses.


He's a Republican, how bad can he be...oh!, on here yes, I forgot/,

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So much for concensus and everyone working together then...without debate from the "opposite side" it's always going to be us and them..


Read through this thread. Read through the other occupy threads.


We're there already.


Perhaps two sides can separately discuss things (without me dragging my arse to cathedral and a drafty tent for a meeting) maybe they could do an online ga here.

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Read through this thread. Read through the other occupy threads.


We're there already.


Perhaps two sides can separately discuss things (without me dragging my arse to cathedral and a drafty tent for a meeting) maybe they could do an online ga here.


I think some posts have disappeared...

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The U.S. was engaging in a genocidal "shock and awe" bombing tactic in the first few days. They abandoned this strategy due to public outrage. The allied forces could have set up free fire zones like in Vietnam but they didn't. Rules of engagement are regularly broken but still our military went to great lengths to minimize civilian casualties. We didn't just use bombs and missiles, we used laser guided smart missiles that cost considerably more to develop and build.


Thats not true. "Shock and awe", while a silly name, was a precision targetted strategic attack by the USN, USAF, RN and RAF on command and control, air defence and other enemy assets which when destroyed would leave them unable to mount an organised defense. It worked, the targets were destroyed, that phase was then over so it stopped. It was not "genocidal" and there was no "public outrage". Public opinion at the time, if you are old enough to remember, swung from evenly matched to 60% plus in favour. The majority opposition to the war only kicked in after it became clear the security vacuum we'd left by disbanding the iraqi army and police had unleashed the sectarian carnage we are all now well aware of.

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It may come as a surprise to you but a hell of a lot of nonchristians really appreciate the work our cathederal does in sheffield through their archer project. So yes, I've offered my services to the dean. I thought you occupy lot were supposed to be openminded to stuff, seems like you're just a bunch of asshats who want it all their own way like the casino bankers


openminded to what andy?


(by the way, your failure to address the russia today thing will have been noted by anyone who reads the thread so well done occupy for making themselves look like they have no answers for their own behaviour once again :) )


RT is an alternative media source to western media. it appears to provide a more balanced and clearer view of world events. anyone who reads these threads and has more than one brain cell, can see that when they watch it for themselves ;)

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So can someone kindly sum up what Occupy stand for and how they will bring about change?


OCCUPY stand for justice and a fairer world :)


CHANGE will come when people start taking money out of high street banks....and putting it into local community banks and credit unions


From the last few pages it would appear that we should all watch RT propaganda


for the fourth time longcol....where do you get your TRUTH?


or do you want the good people of sheffield forum to think you're avoiding the question ;)


and want someone like Gaddafi as head of state


i request that you do not mis-quote me longcol


i do not appreciate it

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When have occupy protestors ever endorsed Gaddafi?


they haven't RB


i made a reference to gaddafi being assassinated, for preparing to start his own gold based dinar in north africa - which would have spelled even more trouble for the petro-dollar


longcol decided to mis-quote me for reasons known best to himself

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