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OCCUPY - How informed are you?

The global OCCUPY movement - How informed are you?  

56 members have voted

  1. 1. The global OCCUPY movement - How informed are you?

    • Done lots of research and fully understand OCCUPY
    • Done some research and understand OCCUPY a little
    • Done no research but would like to
    • Done no research and would not like to

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There's a video posted in reply, explaining, via a poet, why it's pointless to vote.


The gist is that, as every party is corrupt, and, the conventional political system is corrupt, it is futile to waste time voting i.e. all that it can achieve is replacing one corrupt bunch of rulers with another.


It's a pretty clear answer- you obviously will disagree with it, but, it is an answer.


Incidently, i happen to pretty much agree with it, i've no interest in voting either.


Which kind of begs the question how Occupy are going to achieve change of any kind, never mind how a "Post Occupy" world would function.


Other members in Occupy are talking about an "Occupy" party;




although I think are more than a little optimistic about what they might achieve.


And with a "concencus" decision making structure I find it difficult to see how Occupy will ever agree to a way of moving forward.

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There's a video posted in reply, explaining, via a poet, why it's pointless to vote.


The gist is that, as every party is corrupt, and, the conventional political system is corrupt, it is futile to waste time voting i.e. all that it can achieve is replacing one corrupt bunch of rulers with another.


It's a pretty clear answer- you obviously will disagree with it, but, it is an answer.


Incidently, i happen to pretty much agree with it, i've no interest in voting either.



Except the Corporation of the City of London is run along slightly different lines. And it's that idea, of registering everyone at OSLX as residents and therefore voters and even candidates in the Corporation elections, which is most dangerous to the investment banks and hedge funds operating in that tiny little state within a state.


What the Corporation rules over is of very close interest to the very institutions that Occupy have identified as problematic.


Any attempt to wrest control of the Corporation is likely to provoke some very extreme, and thus telling, reactions from the Companies in the Square Mile.

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Which kind of begs the question how Occupy are going to achieve change of any kind, never mind how a "Post Occupy" world would function.


Other members in Occupy are talking about an "Occupy" party;




although I think are more than a little optimistic about what they might achieve.


And with a "concencus" decision making structure I find it difficult to see how Occupy will ever agree to a way of moving forward.


Just because you find it difficult to see doesn't mean it can't happen or isn't worth trying.

Occupy might be the first step towards a fairer system, it might not.

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Just because you find it difficult to see doesn't mean it can't happen or isn't worth trying.

Occupy might be the first step towards a fairer system, it might not.


True. What Occupy Sheffield Cathedral have been served with is legal papers telling them to leave. So they need to leave, now.

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Just because you find it difficult to see doesn't mean it can't happen or isn't worth trying.

Occupy might be the first step towards a fairer system, it might not.


How very enlightening. Let's put you down as a don't know then.

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It might be pertinent to ask: Occupy - how informed do you want to be?


AS far as I'm concerned, Occupy have scored a series of 'own goals.'


I (and others) have told them what (in our opinions) they are doing wrong and they simply ignored it.


That's not a problem - for me, anyway.

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True. What Occupy Sheffield Cathedral have been served with is legal papers telling them to leave. So they need to leave, now.


I'm starting to think that might be the best thing to do. Move before they are removed. Part of me thinks they should sit it out to the bitter end though.

It's up to them of course, I don't really care.

I think it's a shame the Dean hasn't been supportive of the camp but he seems more concerned with keeping good relations with the bankers. I don't blame him for that, most of us are enslaved by them in some respect. It's difficult not to be in this system.

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What is worth a try? Occupy have proved they can camp outside cathedrals. Now where are the ideas to take things forward, to change things?


I thought we were talking about the movement as a whole here.

I see OS more as support for the bigger movement in the US.

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