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Immigration has no effect on UK jobless!

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If it wasnt for the hundreds of immigrants being employed where i work it WOULD be UK residents.




Then how come half a million Poles found work in 2004, when we had over a million unemployed?


The employers say it's because they prefer them, they do the work Brits refuse to do.

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Then how come half a million Poles found work in 2004, when we had over a million unemployed?






I think the undercutting of the wages allows the poles or other migrants to live in crowded conditions, perhaps 10 adults in a small house.


If you wanting to provide for a family, ie your own home etc.... then slave wages are not the way forward.


I accept many people will say "thats the way things are", but then thats all well and good if you bought your home before the year 2000, when a single full time wage would easily buy modest home

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Then how come half a million Poles found work in 2004, when we had over a million unemployed?


The employers say it's because they prefer them, they do the work Brits refuse to do.


Brits are'nt doing them because the crap wages of many of these jobs dont go very far in Britain with the high cost of living, whereas in Poland the money goes a lot further, hence why these east europeans send the biggest chunk of their wages home.

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Brits are'nt doing them because the crap wages of many of these jobs dont go very far in Britain with the high cost of living, whereas in Poland the money goes a lot further, hence why these east europeans send the biggest chunk of their wages home.


The wages are higher than the benefits the Brits get:


The farmer has all but given up on using locals to work in the fields. "They don't work as hard."


In fact, they barely work in the fields at all. The agency supplying this farm with labour has had hundreds of Eastern Europeans pass through its doors in the last two years - and all of three English people.


"We've a job to get anybody else to do the work," says farmer Cam Allan. "The rates of pay are above minimum wage. It's just finding the people to do this type of work we've got."




But that's not enough to entice some of the local lads picking up their dole money in Peterborough. A constant trickle of young men are in and out of the office collecting their state benefits. But there's little appetite for taking one of those vegetable-picking jobs of up to £7-an-hour. One group of lads:



Job for £7 an hour - "I prefer to sign on than do that"

"No mate I'd prefer to sign-on than do that."


"I don't want to work in like no cornfield."


Research from the National Institute of Economic and Social Research has contradicted claims by anti-immigration campaigners that foreign workers are crowding the jobs market. Instead, the institute's study found that there was 'no association' between higher immigration and joblessness.

Researchers even suggested the opposite might be the case and immigration acts as an economic stimulus, pushing total employment levels higher and dole claimant numbers lower than they would otherwise have been.

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Then how come half a million Poles found work in 2004, when we had over a million unemployed?


The employers say it's because they prefer them, they do the work Brits refuse to do.


Did you not read any of my post?


Brits cant AFFORD to do them!!

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Then explain this:


Last year, as the number of Britons with jobs fell by 311,000, the number of overseas-born people taking jobs in Britain rose by 181,000 or by 495 per day.


And employers everywhere are quite categoric as to why this is happening: British employees, they say, are lazy. They turn up their noses at manual jobs, or any work they consider too menial for them, whereas Poles and other Eastern Europeans are only too willing to work all hours and turn their hand to anything.


Why do Brits prefer a pittance on the dole rather than working and getting more money?

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The wages are higher than the benefits the Brits get:


The farmer has all but given up on using locals to work in the fields. "They don't work as hard."


In fact, they barely work in the fields at all. The agency supplying this farm with labour has had hundreds of Eastern Europeans pass through its doors in the last two years - and all of three English people.


"We've a job to get anybody else to do the work," says farmer Cam Allan. "The rates of pay are above minimum wage. It's just finding the people to do this type of work we've got."




But that's not enough to entice some of the local lads picking up their dole money in Peterborough. A constant trickle of young men are in and out of the office collecting their state benefits. But there's little appetite for taking one of those vegetable-picking jobs of up to £7-an-hour. One group of lads:



Job for £7 an hour - "I prefer to sign on than do that"

"No mate I'd prefer to sign-on than do that."


"I don't want to work in like no cornfield."


Research from the National Institute of Economic and Social Research has contradicted claims by anti-immigration campaigners that foreign workers are crowding the jobs market. Instead, the institute's study found that there was 'no association' between higher immigration and joblessness.

Researchers even suggested the opposite might be the case and immigration acts as an economic stimulus, pushing total employment levels higher and dole claimant numbers lower than they would otherwise have been.


£7 an hour :)


Try just over £6 for many many many non skilled jobs!


Your an insult to the millions looking for work in this country that cannot afford to work for £6 an hour and if it wasnt for immigrants wouldnt HAVE TO !

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Then explain this:


Last year, as the number of Britons with jobs fell by 311,000, the number of overseas-born people taking jobs in Britain rose by 181,000 or by 495 per day.


And employers everywhere are quite categoric as to why this is happening: British employees, they say, are lazy. They turn up their noses at manual jobs, or any work they consider too menial for them, whereas Poles and other Eastern Europeans are only too willing to work all hours and turn their hand to anything.


Why do Brits prefer a pittance on the dole rather than working and getting more money?


Employers wouldnt come out and say we can get away with paying lower wages to immigrants would they now??

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Brits are'nt doing them because the crap wages of many of these jobs dont go very far in Britain with the high cost of living, whereas in Poland the money goes a lot further, hence why these east europeans send the biggest chunk of their wages home.


And it’s not just a UK problem, do we expect the UK youth to live in the same conditions just to find work, I know one farmer that puts his summer workers up in the barn for the time they are here working the fields.



One of the problems with the living situation is that Polish immigrants are obliged to live with a large number of fellow immigrants in one space. Sometimes Polish workers live with 10 fellow countrymen in one house. In such circumstances it is ifficult for them to rest properly, causing them to be tired while working. Other problems which Smoktunowicz has found are that:
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What do businessmen think?


By Alan Sugar, Daily Mail, 10/06/05 - Business section


THE FACT that we are now relying on bus drivers from Eastern Europe to shore up our public transport is a national disgrace. But I extend the warmest of welcomes to the new recruits.

The disgrace lies with the British workers who now refuse to take what they consider 'menial' jobs such as bus driving, forcing employers to look outside the country.

You can be sure the 400 drivers from Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic - another 600 will follow later in the year - taken on by the country's largest bus company, the First group,

have a completely different attitude and I'm full of admiration for them.

They will come here and work damn hard for less money than lazy Brits demand. They will master the language, their wives will go out to work and save furiously for their children's educations.

You won't catch them squandering their earnings down the pub and I'll take a bet with you that in 20 years' time some of their children will be business leaders sustaining the British economy.

In fact, the men and women from Eastern Europe who are flocking here to work remind me of the Asian immigrants of the Sixties and Seventies, and the Jewish immigrants of the Forties. Both

of those ethnic minority groups came to Britain with the express desire to work and provide for their families.

They toiled uncomplainingly around the clock, stressed the value of education to their children, and now some of those boys and girls are the entrepreneurs of today.

And as for the unemployed whingers who will no doubt soon be moaning that the Poles have taken their jobs - just as they did about the Asians in years gone by - I have no sympathy for them.

The truth is they don't want to work. There have always been people who had the brains to be lawyers and doctors and accountants, and those who didn't.

The difference is, where once the less clever people took great pride in manual work and trades, now they don't.


They just can't be bothered and prefer to sponge off the state. The work ethic

has been consigned to history.

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