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Immigration has no effect on UK jobless!

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Do you realise how stupid your highlight makes you look ..we have gone down from "Brits prefer the dole",generalization,to "Many Brits" and now to "48".


Nope. I've said many Brits prefer the dole to work. I've cited fourteen different employers who say exactly the same.


Tell you what, if I'm so wrong,how about YOU find a LINK that says employers prefer Brits to Poles?

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Saying I linked to hate blogs




claiming i said polls were useless




claiming i said all Brits are workshy




claiming I got a thread deleted




claiming i stated people had said things they haven't.


You're unable to argue with what I've said, so you make stuff up. You're dishonest.

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Ayup ferno, your still on here I see, what a surprise :D

I had a chat with the English speaking Polish fella at work last night about the hooligan issue, he agreed with me about it being worse than it has ever been over here. They have this thing called Ustawki, like a hooligan fightclub, the guy told me about the brutality and violence used and that it has been an issue for years, but now the gangs are into drugs and crime at another level, and murders are quite common.

The Polish guys who don't speak English too well were telling me about the money they were spending and sending back home where their families are as opposed to over here. They plan to return home for good at a suitable time, current employment pending, no doubt the company will then employ British employees, because the language and training have been an issue while employed here, particularly from a safety point of view. Nice enough blokes them Polish lads at our place and they will do pretty much any job the gaffer asks of them, but they work no harder or better than most of the other lads and struggle with instructions in English !

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