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Immigration has no effect on UK jobless!

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Go do some online research pal .



I didn't suggest racism and hooliganism are a problem in Poland. You did. Are you now admitting you have no idea whether it's a problem at all?


After JP2 died Wisla and Cracovia fans declared a cease-fire and stopped fighting.It only lasted a couple of weeks and they went back to smashing each other up. The population is young, things are changing fast, there is now a gay bar in Krakow-unthinkable ten years ago. I think your suggestion that Poles are racist is wide of the mark, when was the last time you were there please?

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In my experience the streets are far safer, calmer and more pleasant in Poland then here. Get caught drunk and disorderly in Poland and it's a night in the drunk tank and a €200 fine. Are you claiming public disorder, hooliganism and racist attacks are higher in Poland?


Hello spindrift :wave:


The topic of Polish economic migrants always gets you excited doesnt it?! what with you having a Polish wife n all!

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I didn't suggest racism and hooliganism are a problem in Poland. You did. Are you now admitting you have no idea whether it's a problem at all?


After JP2 died Wisla and Cracovia fans declared a cease-fire and stopped fighting.It only lasted a couple of weeks and they went back to smashing each other up. The population is young, things are changing fast, there is now a gay bar in Krakow-unthinkable ten years ago. I think your suggestion that Poles are racist is wide of the mark, when was the last time you were there please?


There you go again, can't answer my posts and even misquoting and twisting what I have written .... did I say Poles are racist ?

NO I did not, I asked you if you knew how popular hooliganism and racism were in Poland ... what have I said before about you not reading stuff eh :D

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And I replied and said they're not much of a problem, unless you have any actual evidence?


Was that a reply ferno ? Actual evidence ?

Come on kid get with it, Google is your friend, don't pretend you don't use it, you keep littering the place with copied data from your searches, you really must stop replying with questions of your own, it's very tedious, if you only reply to the bits you want to yourself don't expect much in return :P

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Was that a reply ferno ? Actual evidence ?

Come on kid get with it, Google is your friend


Is this your first time on a forum?



Traditionally, posters suggest a position and back it up with evidence. You're suggesting a position and asking people who disagree with you to provide evidence!

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Don't be so stupid,of course I don't want that , what n idiotic thing to say.


How many Poles were exploited, forced to sleep in crowded houses and had no rights, any actual figures or did you make it up?

heres a link to a case in sheffield what happened recently http://blogs.findlaw.co.uk/solicitor/2010/10/vulnerable-polish-workers-lured-to-sheffield-by-trafficking-gang.html and are you going to tell me this isnt happening all over this country :huh:
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heres a link to a case in sheffield what happened recently http://blogs.findlaw.co.uk/solicitor/2010/10/vulnerable-polish-workers-lured-to-sheffield-by-trafficking-gang.html and are you going to tell me this isnt happening all over this country :huh:


So two, then.


I'm not saying it doesn't happen, I object to your stupid premise that I want it to happen, that's plain dumb.

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