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Scottish Independence

A wee question of Scottish independence  

213 members have voted

  1. 1. A wee question of Scottish independence

    • I'm Scottish and I vote "YES", we should self-govern
    • I'm Scottish and I vote "NO", we should stay in the UK
    • I'm English, Welsh or Irish, and I vote "YES", let them go
    • I'm English, Welsh or Irish, and I vote "NO", keep them in

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If it's possible I may have a bet on Scotland voting to stay in the U.K.


You won't get very good odds, the average being about 1/7;




The recent "celebrity" petition enlisting people who've never lived in Scotland to call on Scots to vote no may though drive people the other way unless they really enjoy being patronised by the likes of Helena Bonham Carter and Sting;



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You won't get very good odds, the average being about 1/7;




The recent "celebrity" petition enlisting people who've never lived in Scotland to call on Scots to vote no may though drive people the other way unless they really enjoy being patronised by the likes of Helena Bonham Carter and Sting;




And the "yes" voters weren't too impressed with Alex Salmond. when he paraded ex-pat Scots at the launch of the referendum countdown.

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  • 4 weeks later...
What about national defence. Will a separate Scotland have it's own army. navy and air force?


I wouldnt mind betting that the Scots will try to save a buck by angling to make sure their defence remains under the umbrella of HM Forces :D


Given that you broke away from the UK several decades ago why would you care? Anyway, if you were more interested in having your question answered than in making snide comments you could easily find the following through google;


"The precise make-up of the forces would be a matter for whichever party was elected to form a Scottish government to decide. But those governments would be making decisions in the interests of Scotland - and unlike Westminster would almost certainly not leave Scotland short of any major surface ships or maritime patrol aircraft.


"The current Scottish Government has published detailed plans as part of its independence white paper "Scotland's Future: Your Guide to an Independent Scotland". These plans include a phased build up of personnel to some 15,000 regular and 5,000 reserve personnel across land, air and maritime forces over ten years."


From http://www.yesscotland.net/answers/what-would-happen-scottish-defence

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What about national defence. Will a separate Scotland have it's own army. navy and air force?


I don't see why not.


I wouldnt mind betting that the Scots will try to save a buck by angling to make sure their defence remains under the umbrella of HM Forces :D


Is that intended as some kind of poor attempt at a sterotypical slur on Scottish frugality?


If so I suggest that the US gets its own house in order.


However, you should look back and see how the people of Scotland have made so many and by no means inconsiderable very honourable contributions with great distiction to the defence of the UK at no small cost in terms of casualties and committment to it's self over a great many years.


Addittionally of course seeing as the UK military have so many bases in Scotland already and not forgetting the nuclear submarine base on the clyde and the long distance radar facilities that guard against, mainly russian incursions to what might be considered as mutal airspace I'm sure some amicable and mutually acceptable agreement regarding national defenceof both countries can be , will be, or already has been, worked out.


Thank you for your concern.


I noticed that the US sold off in 1997 to the Communist Chinese government the Long Beach Naval Weapons Ship Yard. The only major deep water port that can take large ships on the west coast.


And also that you appear to have an increasing number of foreign military units in the US some of which are permanently based there.

In 1997 the Communist Chinese government took over the Long Beach Naval Weapons Ship Yard

and doesn't that breech the US constitution in some way?


How's all that working out for y'all.


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Given that you broke away from the UK several decades ago why would you care? Anyway, if you were more interested in having your question answered than in making snide comments you could easily find the following through google;


"The precise make-up of the forces would be a matter for whichever party was elected to form a Scottish government to decide. But those governments would be making decisions in the interests of Scotland - and unlike Westminster would almost certainly not leave Scotland short of any major surface ships or maritime patrol aircraft.


"The current Scottish Government has published detailed plans as part of its independence white paper "Scotland's Future: Your Guide to an Independent Scotland". These plans include a phased build up of personnel to some 15,000 regular and 5,000 reserve personnel across land, air and maritime forces over ten years."


From http://www.yesscotland.net/answers/what-would-happen-scottish-defence


I actually served in the British Army. Two years national service of which one and a half of that was with the 28th Commonwealth Brigade based in Malaysia so I dont need your holy permission to pass any comments I care to make Plastic Pierre even if I no longer live in the UK


Your generation couldnt handle that


Scots are frugal by nature as well as being smart and canny people. One of my barrack room companions was a Scot. He liked to hoard his cigarettes in his locker while making out he was skint and "could I spare a ciggy mate"? :D


Anyway, if Scotland ever were in danger from foreign aggression (which it never will) but for the sake of argument supposing it was no doubt it would be the good old US, as usual the main man :D

Edited by Harleyman
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