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Scottish Independence

A wee question of Scottish independence  

213 members have voted

  1. 1. A wee question of Scottish independence

    • I'm Scottish and I vote "YES", we should self-govern
    • I'm Scottish and I vote "NO", we should stay in the UK
    • I'm English, Welsh or Irish, and I vote "YES", let them go
    • I'm English, Welsh or Irish, and I vote "NO", keep them in

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The fact that the EU is frosty, to put it mildly, at the Idea of an independent Scotland joining, must be a total humiliation for the SNP. From the EU's point of view it would have a diminished and more right leaning UK, and a **** ant Scotland.

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I don't see why not.




Is that intended as some kind of poor attempt at a sterotypical slur on Scottish frugality?


If so I suggest that the US gets its own house in order.


However, you should look back and see how the people of Scotland have made so many and by no means inconsiderable very honourable contributions with great distiction to the defence of the UK at no small cost in terms of casualties and committment to it's self over a great many years.


Addittionally of course seeing as the UK military have so many bases in Scotland already and not forgetting the nuclear submarine base on the clyde and the long distance radar facilities that guard against, mainly russian incursions to what might be considered as mutal airspace I'm sure some amicable and mutually acceptable agreement regarding national defenceof both countries can be , will be, or already has been, worked out.


Thank you for your concern.


I noticed that the US sold off in 1997 to the Communist Chinese government the Long Beach Naval Weapons Ship Yard. The only major deep water port that can take large ships on the west coast.


And also that you appear to have an increasing number of foreign military units in the US some of which are permanently based there.

In 1997 the Communist Chinese government took over the Long Beach Naval Weapons Ship Yard

and doesn't that breech the US constitution in some way?


How's all that working out for y'all.



There were many military bases closed down at the end of the cold war. No big deal I imagine on the Long Beach Naval Yard. If war broke out with China it would be relatively easy to kick them out and re-establish ownership.


As for foreign military units in the US the reason for that should be obvious. The US has the facilities to train these units in desert warfare. There's hardly any difference between a New Mexico desert and a middle east desert and it's in the middle east that most of the world's troubles will occur and wars fought for the next decade at least

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The fact that the EU is frosty, to put it mildly, at the Idea of an independent Scotland joining, must be a total humiliation for the SNP. From the EU's point of view it would have a diminished and more right leaning UK, and a **** ant Scotland.



If Scotland wanted to join the EU I can not see the EU turning them away ....I think current frostiness is just to discourage then from becoming independent.


Think about it I'm sure the EU would rather have loads of small states it can dictate to rather than a few big ones that can argue.


There's talk of catalan breaking away from spain, even the basques might have ago, I think they'd take Scotland northern ireland wales and even the peoples republic of south yorkshire if they got the chance.


They just want annexe the whole of europe as they strive to become as big as they can. I can see them using the tension, and possible conflict, with russia to take an even more controlling role throughout europe untill eventually europe becomes a single state in itself.


besides I hope if Scotland do want to join they retain a lot more self-determination and dignity than the UK ever did.



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If Scotland wanted to join the EU I can not see the EU turning them away ....I think current frostiness is just to discourage then from becoming independent.


Think about it I'm sure the EU would rather have loads of small states it can dictate to rather than a few big ones that can argue.


There's talk of catalan breaking away from spain, even the basques might have ago, I think they'd take Scotland northern ireland wales and even the peoples republic of south yorkshire if they got the chance.


They just want annexe the whole of europe as they strive to become as big as they can. I can see them using the tension, and possible conflict, with russia to take an even more controlling role throughout europe untill eventually europe becomes a single state in itself.


besides I hope if Scotland do want to join they retain a lot more self-determination and dignity than the UK ever did.




Who are "they" ? A sinister shadow organisation with secret agendas which operates separately from the EU Parliament behind the scenes ? :hihi::loopy:


---------- Post added 04-09-2014 at 05:25 ----------


Given that you broke away from the UK several decades ago why would you care? Anyway, if you were more interested in having your question answered than in making snide comments you could easily find the following through google;


"The precise make-up of the forces would be a matter for whichever party was elected to form a Scottish government to decide. But those governments would be making decisions in the interests of Scotland - and unlike Westminster would almost certainly not leave Scotland short of any major surface ships or maritime patrol aircraft.


"The current Scottish Government has published detailed plans as part of its independence white paper "Scotland's Future: Your Guide to an Independent Scotland". These plans include a phased build up of personnel to some 15,000 regular and 5,000 reserve personnel across land, air and maritime forces over ten years."


From http://www.yesscotland.net/answers/what-would-happen-scottish-defence


Funny how you keep bringing up my ex-pat status while you (who never had any connection with the US whatsoever) take it on yourself to air your opinions on American gun ownership. Why would you care?

Edited by Harleyman
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Who are "they" ? A sinister shadow organisation with secret agendas which operates separately from the EU Parliament behind the scenes ?


I did mean the EU generally. Although I know there are many that would subscibe to the scenario you suggest. Looking at the overall picture of what is taking place throughout europe and some of the potential consquences or outcomes of those events could lead one to believe that there are lots of possibilities. It would seem that little in regard to world events happens by accident.



Funny how you keep bringing up my ex-pat status while you (who never had any connection with the US whatsoever) take it on yourself to air your opinions on American gun ownership. Why would you care?


Do I keep bringing up your ex-pat status? How many times is ....keep.. ?


You have called yourself an ex-pat I have no issues with that. I do not question your motives for abandoning the uk in favour of the US and, as with many other ex-pats, I admire your pluck and have no reason to not wish you well with that significant life-choice.


You say I have no connection with the US. I was wondering what mis-information you have discerned that would lead you to think that.


FYI. I have both relatives and friends in the US some of which I speak to frequently and regularly. I converse with some of them in the US almost daily, via a program that allows us to speak in groups, unmonitored and at no cost, and correspond by both e-mail and post with others often.


US gun ownership and the unconstitutional moves by the US government to remove that right, other violations of the constitution and other actions of the US governement are subjects we discuss often, as are many other topics.


BTW; as this is a forum, which by definition is for discussion, are we not free to discuss any topic?




Edited by Tommo68
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If Scotland wanted to join the EU I can not see the EU turning them away ....I think current frostiness is just to discourage then from becoming independent.


Think about it I'm sure the EU would rather have loads of small states it can dictate to rather than a few big ones that can argue.


There's talk of catalan breaking away from spain, even the basques might have ago, I think they'd take Scotland northern ireland wales and even the peoples republic of south yorkshire if they got the chance.


They just want annexe the whole of europe as they strive to become as big as they can. I can see them using the tension, and possible conflict, with russia to take an even more controlling role throughout europe untill eventually europe becomes a single state in itself.


besides I hope if Scotland do want to join they retain a lot more self-determination and dignity than the UK ever did.




You do realise that Scotland and all the other territories you mention are already in the EU? This has to be the most bent arguing I have ever seen.


The reason the EU is frosty is because it consists of member-states and these states have their own regionalists wanting more power. Allowing Scotland to bail the UK will be a tricky one for the Spanish, Swedes, Finns, Poles, Slovaks, Austrians, Germans, Belgians, French and so on, and so on.

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The reason the EU is frosty is because it consists of member-states and these states have their own regionalists wanting more power. Allowing Scotland to bail the UK will be a tricky one for the Spanish, Swedes, Finns, Poles, Slovaks, Austrians, Germans, Belgians, French and so on, and so on.


If anything a number of those country's would seek to block Scotland's entrance to the EU.


They'd want to make an example out of them to deter their own break-away regions from doing the same.

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After this referendum I think the key pro independence politicians and activists should be looked at under the microscope to see if there is any connection at all between themselves, Russia and/or China. :suspect:

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]I did mean the EU generally. Although I know there are many that would subscibe to the scenario you suggest. Looking at the overall picture of what is taking place throughout europe and some of the potential consquences or outcomes of those events could lead one to believe that there are lots of possibilities. It would seem that little in regard to world events happens by accident. [/b]


Do I keep bringing up your ex-pat status? How many times is ....keep.. ?


You have called yourself an ex-pat I have no issues with that. I do not question your motives for abandoning the uk in favour of the US and, as with many other ex-pats, I admire your pluck and have no reason to not wish you well with that significant life-choice.


You say I have no connection with the US. I was wondering what mis-information you have discerned that would lead you to think that.


FYI. I have both relatives and friends in the US some of which I speak to frequently and regularly. I converse with some of them in the US almost daily, via a program that allows us to speak in groups, unmonitored and at no cost, and correspond by both e-mail and post with others often.


US gun ownership and the unconstitutional moves by the US government to remove that right, other violations of the constitution and other actions of the US governement are subjects we discuss often, as are many other topics.


BTW; as this is a forum, which by definition is for discussion, are we not free to discuss any topic?





You seem to favour the idea that Europe would be better off as a collection of small states as it once was even to the point of individual parts of these nations forming their own little separate countries.


This is a ridiculous notion. Putty in the hands of the Russians. :hihi: Putin would just love it and make no mistake Russia is not a country in any danger of breaking up anytime soon... more so under Putin, a country intent on restoring it's empire

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