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Scottish Independence

A wee question of Scottish independence  

213 members have voted

  1. 1. A wee question of Scottish independence

    • I'm Scottish and I vote "YES", we should self-govern
    • I'm Scottish and I vote "NO", we should stay in the UK
    • I'm English, Welsh or Irish, and I vote "YES", let them go
    • I'm English, Welsh or Irish, and I vote "NO", keep them in

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It also contributes a shed more per capita than most of England, including your morris dancing butt (to the tume of £3k per year).


Stick that up your bubble till it squeaks!!


Good, take all your " per capita" and have independence...easy... :) the vote should be a foregone conclusion..why has it taken you so long to get round to it?

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Actually so does England "as a whole" or am I just imagining the trillion pound debt?
Speaking of which, I guess we need not remind you that RBS and HBOS, the bedrocks of Scotland's economy, are now firmly in English taxpayers' hands, then?


Or that more than half of the entire scottish economy is public spending, with one-quarter of people working for the state?


Or that that quarter is, on average, paid £90 more per week than equivalent private sectore employees?


All very reminiscent of Wales and Northern Ireland, don't you think? And we all know what kind of economical state these two are in ;)


Also adds some perspective to truman's posts, don't you think?

How much of that is contributed to the Exchequer? Isn't that what this argument is about..? the money given to the UK Government compared to that which is received?

So what's the figure for Scotland's contribution to the Exchequer? Compared to England..?
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Talking about that that how would an independent Scotland have coped with the debts of the Scottish banks? How much of the UK debt will Scotland take with it in the divorce?


It depends. If it is on a per capita basis then it will be about £90 billion. If it's on a calculated basis then it will be about £43 billion, according to a Treasury geezer last week.

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Speaking of which, I guess we need not remind you that RBS and HBOS, the bedrocks of Scotland's economy, are now firmly in English taxpayers' hands, then?


Or that more than half of the entire scottish economy is public spending, with one-quarter of people working for the state?


Or that that quarter is, on average, paid £90 more per week than equivalent private sectore employees?


All very reminiscent of Wales and Northern Ireland, don't you think? And we all know what kind of economical state these two are in ;)


And adds some perspective to truman's posts, don't you think?


RBS and HBOS are currently firmly in British taxpayers' hands. Prior to that they were firmly in British (and others) shareholders' hands. Oh and the H in HBOS stands for Halifax. If oyu remember correctly they merged circa 2002.


BTW, 23% of Scotland is in the public sector compared to 20.6 in Yorkshire but I don't think thay get £90 a week more for comparable jobs.

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We need to get shut of Scotland as soon as possible. The English pay massive subsidies to Scotland that we would be better spending here.

The Scots seem to think that they could substitute this by laying claim to North Sea Oil revenues. Whether we give them the revenue is not really relevant. The Oil belongs to the UK and is in our sector of the North Sea, but even if we handed it over to Scotland there is bog all left of it.

I think 75% of all reserves have been extracted and revenue is fast drying up. I think we need to get a referendum held pretty quickly and allow the English to vote in it as well. We need to get Scotland and its subsidies out of the way before the Scots realise that there won't be any oil revenues in 20 years.


I believe the oil is about 2% of the British economy, let them have it as they've got nothing else. There's no shortage of hydrocarbons in England with the massive shale gas deposits as yet untapped.

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May I recommend this primer :)


Apparently your link is too long.


I imagine it is going to show that the average public sector pay is higher than the average private sector pay.


However, does it compare comparable jobs or just overall avarages?

Edited by Rob_Roy
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