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Scottish Independence

A wee question of Scottish independence  

213 members have voted

  1. 1. A wee question of Scottish independence

    • I'm Scottish and I vote "YES", we should self-govern
    • I'm Scottish and I vote "NO", we should stay in the UK
    • I'm English, Welsh or Irish, and I vote "YES", let them go
    • I'm English, Welsh or Irish, and I vote "NO", keep them in

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Galloway :hihi::hihi:


The man's a joke


I think not!

The most stirring and witty speech in the whole campaign.


Away from the topics of Islam/Muslims/Israel/Gaza, I find George Galloway quite agreeable on the whole.

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I doubt it but you may have a point.. there are ex-miners that still will not speak to the scabs that broke the miners strike, and some of those are related...even brothers.


Can't see people hating thatcher or scargill in 50 years time never mind 307 but the scottish land owners that sold out to england in 1707 are in the eyes of many beneath contempt and there are today people that hate what they did..


Guess we'll never know.



I feel that most Scots would have remained quite content with devolution, or failing that a more socialist UK government, but Salmond wants independence, and with it personal power, at any price.


---------- Post added 14-09-2014 at 22:22 ----------


Away from the topics of Islam/Muslims/Israel/Gaza, I find George Galloway quite agreeable on the whole.
It's not very often one finds oneself saying that, is it! :hihi:


What did you think of his hat?


---------- Post added 14-09-2014 at 22:31 ----------


I think the level of disgust and disenfranchisement people now feel towards politicians is what's powering the yes vote.


The fact that those same politicians have now all shamelessly trooped up to Scotland has just hammered the point home. Where was their interest when there wasn't a vote in it?


People are sick of being ruled by a political class they have no respect for. The same is equally true of England. But how do we get rid of them?

Vote "Independence for Yorkshire" at the next election!
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Good riddance to the Jocks, I hope its a Yes vote. All they've ever brought us are Deep Fried Mars Bars and Wetherspoons Tramps.


And a few other bits and pieces.


I would be very sad to see the end of our country, but I hope whatever the people of Scotland decide they will be successful. I worry that this campaign will have divided Scotland so much that whatever the result is, many years will be spent rebuilding burnt bridges within Scotland and between Scotland and the rest of the UK.


---------- Post added 14-09-2014 at 23:24 ----------


What would an independent Scotland mean for Sheffield ???


Price of Bells, Teachers and Johnnie Walker would rise by 9%.


Tunnocks Teacakes would cease to be available from normal supermarkets but would still be sold by a new "Scottish Expat" stall opening in the Moor Market.


Anyone who has an account with the Royal Bank of Scotland will see their savings converted to Groats.


Scotland Street will be re-named Wales Way in an act of solidarity.


Sheffield Station would be re-named Sheffield International and you would have to show your passport if boarding the Cross Country service to Edinburgh.


Nick Clegg might lose his job.


(One of the above is probably true!)

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Wow! Thats quite a speech. Hats off to the man.


You should see and hear him stand up to the Senate panel, where he went voluntarily to clear his name. That man has balls of steel. I have never ever heard an orator as great as that man. (Mr. Galloway begins to speak about 6 mins 44 secs in to the clip).

Edited by mart
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Why do the Scottish people feel that their lives will change if they voted yes or no? For change to happen, a person must be the change themselves.


Internal change, will cause external change. So if people took personal responsibility, there would be no need for a Scottish Independence.


You don't need a government to change your lives. You can do it yourself.


For change to happen, you must be the change.

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Why do the Scottish people feel that their lives will change if they voted yes or no? For change to happen, a person must be the change themselves.


Internal change, will cause external change. So if people took personal responsibility, there would be no need for a Scottish Independence.


You don't need a government to change your lives. You can do it yourself.


For change to happen, you must be the change.


Are you on drugs?


---------- Post added 15-09-2014 at 08:32 ----------


Moving on assuming the Scots do join and England then vote to come out will a physical border have to be erected.


No physical border will need to be built. I've crossed from Spain into Andorra, Germany into Switzerland, France into Monaco, Italy into Vatican City and Sweden into Norway without any passport control. Border controls between England and Scotland would be a waste of time and money.

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