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Scottish Independence

A wee question of Scottish independence  

213 members have voted

  1. 1. A wee question of Scottish independence

    • I'm Scottish and I vote "YES", we should self-govern
    • I'm Scottish and I vote "NO", we should stay in the UK
    • I'm English, Welsh or Irish, and I vote "YES", let them go
    • I'm English, Welsh or Irish, and I vote "NO", keep them in

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I'd sooner wear stripes and a necklace of onions on a bike than be a potato-loving ginner :)

Let's see ;)

We've had our IDs checked repeatedly at Holyhead and Dun Laoghaire between 2004 and 2008 (3 crossings a year minimum).


Nothing surprising about it, since it was, and still is, standard travelling requirement/policy for Stena and Irish Ferries.


You haven't. Why that is, I don't know. Whatever you or I call it (luck, happenstance, 'humour', <whatever>) WTF does it matter? :rolleyes:


It was about as involved as the 'hand-the-ID-at-the-booth; 2-minutes-look; job-done-be-on-your-way' of Eurotunnel, which is 2 minutes more than it takes to cross from France to Belgium to Germany to Luxembourg to Italy <etc.>


Now I did say 'passport control' in post #436, when what I meant was 'ID control', of course (I don't differentiate semantically intra-EU (Schengen or not) since I can go anywhere intra-EU with my ID card rather than my passport). I'm happy to leave it at that :|


What is a Ginner? Is it some French insult? :)


WTF does it matter?


Like virtually everything on this forum, and life in general for that matter, it doesn't matter very much at all. :)


All I was doing was pointing out that you were incorrect in stating that a passport control was in place between the UK and Ireland and that by implication a passport would be necessary in order to travel between them.


I have absolutely no idea what you mean by 'ID Control' I hold dual nationality as a birthright and neither of my nations issues ID cards.


I have never been asked, nor ever seen anyone else asked for ID whilst crossing between the two countries, apart from Ryan Air for commercial reasons.


In business I carried an ID card for 33 years purely because of the industry I worked in, but other than a bus pass and passport I have no ID currently.


I'm also happy to leave it at that. :)

Edited by mjw47
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Good riddance to the Jocks, I hope its a Yes vote. All they've ever brought us are Deep Fried Mars Bars and Wetherspoons Tramps.





Loving your ignorance.:hihi:


---------- Post added 15-09-2014 at 18:35 ----------


What is a Ginner? Is it some French insult? :)


WTF does it matter?


Like virtually everything on this forum, and life in general for that matter, it doesn't matter very much at all. :)


All I was doing was pointing out that you were incorrect in stating that a passport control was in place between the UK and Ireland and that by implication a passport would be necessary in order to travel between them.


I have absolutely no idea what you mean by 'ID Control' I hold dual nationality as a birthright and neither of my nations issues ID cards.


I have never been asked, nor ever seen anyone else asked for ID whilst crossing between the two countries, apart from Ryan Air for commercial reasons.


In business I carried an ID card for 33 years purely because of the industry I worked in, but other than a bus pass and passport I have no ID currently.


I'm also happy to leave it at that. :)


I know for sure (Police Scotland) had a big problem with illegal immigrants using the Belfast/Larne ferries to Stranraer, then disappearing both north n south.


So I guess no checks were made.

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So what's to attract immigrants to an independent Scotland? The current UK benefits freebies, free NHS etc will no longer be available in the Scottish Republic and unemployment is bound to rise if what is being said is true.. that there will be a considerable number of businesses moving south which will remain in the EU.


As for North sea oil... there's no guarantee that Scotland will be able to live off that for years to come either.


The whole independence thing is a joke driven to a great extent by that historic dislike of the English plus nationalist sentiment and an irrational belief that they'll all be far better off outside the UK without any hard facts to back that up... unless you believe Alex Salmond :D


I lived in Quebec long enough to experience the same set of clowns who wanted to separate from the rest of Canada. They never did


Quebec with it's huge reserve of natural resources was in a far better position to go it alone that Scotland is but wiser heads prevailed.


WE seem to live in an age of day dreaming nationalist clowns

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Loving your ignorance.:hihi:


---------- Post added 15-09-2014 at 18:35 ----------



I know for sure (Police Scotland) had a big problem with illegal immigrants using the Belfast/Larne ferries to Stranraer, then disappearing both north n south.


So I guess no checks were made.


Not sure how that would 'benefit' them.


Belfast and Larne are both in the UK so they were already in this jurisdiction and achieving nothing by sailing to Scotland.


Also the Irish benefit system pays a lot more than the UK system, so they would have been better off going over the border into the Republic.


As Agent Orange pointed out in an earlier post the problem with a Scots Yes vote will only come into play if Scotland decide to play the game under completely different rules and operate an 'open border' policy for non EU nationals.


Don't see why they would, so doubt there's a real problem.


If the UK and Ireland - a country which gained independence by fighting for it - can come to a civilized arrangement, and become friends and allies as they are now, I can't see a reason why the UK and Scotland can't proceed in an orderly fashion if there's a yes vote.


A lot of this negative conjecture is coming from the No side, who have made a complete horlicks of their campaign.


Had Devo Max been offered from the start then in my opinion that's what the Scots would have gone for.


Making it a yes or no choice, and then sending a bunch of public school English posh boys plus John Prescott up to tell those poor thick Jocks which side their bread was buttered on was just about the stupidest thing they could have done.


The only way they could have done worse would have been to get that prat Bono to come out on the side of the No vote.


And as there's a couple of days left it may still happen.

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The only way they could have done worse would have been to get that prat Bono to come out on the side of the No vote.


And as there's a couple of days left it may still happen.


They had Bob Geldof urging them not to break up the Great British "family"

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They had Bob Geldof urging them not to break up the Great British "family"


Yes, what the hell business it was of his nobody knows.


I've just come back from Ireland and people I spoke to about it regard him as a complete clown.


For a start off he's Irish of Belgian descent so has no British connection other than by marriage.


What is it about 'celebrities' that gives them the idea that their opinion should be listened to by the rest of us?


They appear completely unaware that their interference in things will result in most people doing the opposite.


Maybe Alex Salmond put him up to it? :)

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