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Scottish Independence

A wee question of Scottish independence  

213 members have voted

  1. 1. A wee question of Scottish independence

    • I'm Scottish and I vote "YES", we should self-govern
    • I'm Scottish and I vote "NO", we should stay in the UK
    • I'm English, Welsh or Irish, and I vote "YES", let them go
    • I'm English, Welsh or Irish, and I vote "NO", keep them in

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I was just searching for some info about how the SNP/YESsers propose to deal with intellectual property in case Scotland goes independent, as I've got to be ready for clients' questions about it (the virtues of Continuous Professional Development obligations). Now, granted, that's a very niche area to be concerned about. But a quintessential aspect of both micro- and macro-economical life. Unsurprisingly, there's just about...nowt.


The only info I found was in Scottish referendum White Paper - pages 102, 103:


Independence will ensure continuity of legal framework for protecting IPRs [L00b: how? are they going to pass their own patent/design/trademark/copyright act(s) in a hurry? create a Scottish patent office? sign up to the myriad international treaties and protocols involved in a hurry? <etc.> have they figured the running costs?]


Independence will allow Scotland to offer simpler and cheaper, more business-friendly model than the current UK system, which is bureaucratic and expensive, especially for small firms. The UK is one of the few EU countries which does not offer a scheme which covers the basics of protection. Scotland could follow, for example the German model which protects technical innovations. [L00b: a very misleading paragraph, replete with false information in several respect]


Scotland has dispute resolution expertise [L00b: no better than, but significantly more expensive than, the UK]


Scotland will amend immigration rules to enable the recruitment of international research talent and students [L00b: relevant for creating IP perhaps, but not whatsoever for handling it/protecting it]


and then on page 398:


“Q66 Will intellectual property rights be protected?

Yes. Intellectual property will continue to be protected. As an EU member state, Scotland will meet European regulations and directives on IP rights protection, as well as international patent and trade mark protections. [L00b: Scotland will not be in the EU until 2019, and the European Patent Convention has nothing whatsoever to do with the EU, to say nothing of the myriad different treaties (Paris-, WTO) , protocols (Madrid-) and conventions (Hague, European-) it would have to sign up to, which takes years]


"Q67 Will independence offer improved intellectual property services?

Yes. Independence will allow Scotland to offer a simpler, cheaper and more business-friendly business model than the current UK one which is seen as bureaucratic and expensive, especially for small firms. The UK is one of very few EU countries which does not offer a “second tier” , or “utility” protection scheme which covers the basics of IP protection and is cheaper and quicker to access. Scotland could follow for example the German utility model which is more a protection of technical innovations.” [L00b: this is wrong on so many levels I don't know where to start]


There's a million and one issues which the SNP/YESsers have not considered or given much thought about, all conspiring to give me this impression of the argument for secession as being a giant exercise in "we'll wing it / fudge it". Scots deserved better, let's hope enough have the sense to see through the chest-beating nationalism.

Edited by L00b
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That the no vote campaigners brought in Gordon Brown should swing it for the YES vote.


IMHO he was a traitor to the UK and at best stupid whilst labour were in office, and he never did the Scot's any good when he was in a position to do so.



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Not sure if anyone else has picked this up, but if Scotland do leave it seems they have to take Doncaster with them.




---------- Post added 18-09-2014 at 15:15 ----------


It was a bit tongue in cheek but over the last few weeks there's evidence that a large number of Scottish people don't like the English much. I've met a few from the forces who don't like the English much either!!


to be fair, a lot of the English don't like some of the English much either

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It was a bit tongue in cheek but over the last few weeks there's evidence that a large number of Scottish people don't like the English much. I've met a few from the forces who don't like the English much either!!



The truth is that the Scots are more like the spoiled child of wealthy parents, who, whilst simultaneously despising the bourgeoise circumstances of their upbringing cannot bring themselves to sever the golden apron strings even though they may be soiled with corruption.

The fact that there are twice as many Polish speakers in Scotland than Gaelic speakers, gives lie to the notion that there is an enthusiasm for independence and reminds one that the Scottish Nationalists have more in common with the white separatist Boers than they do with any kind of liberation movement.


---------- Post added 18-09-2014 at 14:32 ----------


I think its just being territorial for the sake of being territorial. There is no sensible reason to do this - it is all about negative emotions towards the "other". It is just as stupid here as it is in Quebec wanting to leave Canada. Look at the break-ups in Africa and the middle East. What benefit came about? Just acrimony from the losers.


. The civilized world should demonstrate an example of harmony in diversity to the parts of the world that have such nationalistic fervour :thumbsup:

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---------- Post added 18-09-2014 at 14:32 ----------




. The civilized world should demonstrate an example of harmony in diversity to the parts of the world that have such nationalistic fervour :thumbsup:


What exactly do you mean by the civilized world?


Is there a country within this 'civilized world' which has never at any time in it's history set out to steal another mans land?


If so I would be interested in it's 'example demonstrating'.


However, nationalism of the type we're talking about here only comes about because of the interference of one country in the affairs of another.


It's a bit rich then to expect anyone to take a blind bit of notice of the originators of the problem isn't it?


Anyway good luck to Scotland, I wish it well whatever the result.

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the words of the First World War recruiting song "we don't want to lose you but we think you ought to go"


or in the words of Samuel Johnson "The noblest prospect which a Scotchman ever sees is the high road that leads him to England."and that what we'll see if they vote for independence - tens of thousands of economic refugees making their way to England for handouts.

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