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Scottish Independence

A wee question of Scottish independence  

213 members have voted

  1. 1. A wee question of Scottish independence

    • I'm Scottish and I vote "YES", we should self-govern
    • I'm Scottish and I vote "NO", we should stay in the UK
    • I'm English, Welsh or Irish, and I vote "YES", let them go
    • I'm English, Welsh or Irish, and I vote "NO", keep them in

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I think we work better as a whole. That's why the worlds in such a mess... too many parts in the world. The world would work best as a whole. But that would be to much to ask for.


Wholeness is good in some respects; wholeness of mind for example. However, I don't think the world would work better as a whole, I don't think we're anywhere near ready for that.


We are too disparate; in our culture, our thinking, our skills and propensities, our understanding of the world; trying to apply one rule of government for all would be a bad idea, it would not account for and take advantage of local differences, it would also not be workable as humans are generally power-hungry and fractions would break-up the whole.


My concern, with regards to Scotland, is are we making too many concessions? Do we subsidise them too much? I heard something about government spending being £1600 per person more in Scotland than than in England. Don't they also get free NHS prescriptions, care homes for elderly, etc?


It seems to me English people are getting somewhat screwed, while we make no end of concessions to Scotland. I think it's a valid question to ask; would England have been better off without Scotland in the union?

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What a shame that I never vote as am not complicit to the lies and corrupt elites !!!


You never vote but you feel bitterly disappointed and lose sleep over bizarre dreams and a vote you weren't entitled to? You're an odd fella.


Well what an odd nights sleep I've had, bizarre dreams about Scotland as well


How ironic that the home of whisky actually bottled it when it really mattered


I desperately wanted a YES vote and feel bitterly shattered for the Scottish residents


Days from now, laying in their beds, people will forever regret this chance of freedom!


Scottish people have had their say..glad to see it was a NO. Who wants Mel Gibson anyway.

Edited by ronthenekred
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You never vote but you feel bitterly disappointed and lose sleep over bizarre dreams and a vote you weren't entitled to? You're an odd fella.




Scottish people have had their say..glad to see it was a NO. Who wants Mel Gibson anyway.


Yes I am odd and we are lumbered with the Scots, I hope they are proud of themselves :hihi:

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I think we work better as a whole. That's why the worlds in such a mess... too many parts in the world. The world would work best as a whole. But that would be to much to ask for.


I agree, but is any country ever a whole? They are usually made up of different oposing factions, with one in charge. Generally, I would say we are splitting into rich and poor, the 1% and the 99%


The rich have the power, but the poor have the people....

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Well what an odd nights sleep I've had, bizarre dreams about Scotland as well


How ironic that the home of whisky actually bottled it when it really mattered


I desperately wanted a YES vote and feel bitterly shattered for the Scottish residents


Days from now, laying in their beds, people will forever regret this chance of freedom!


Chance of Freedom ? :hihi: You talk like a ninny

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Has anyone seen the clip from Sky News?


They showed a picture of a pile of NO votes, but if you look closer, you can see about half of the papers are ticked with a YES vote?!?


Surely there's not been any vote fixing??


The papers will get counted twice. Firstly all papers are counted to make sure that the ballot boxes have about the same number of papers issued. Almost every count I've been to many ballot boxes are short a paper or two as people walk off with them sometimes. However if a box has more papers than have been issued then that's somewhat more serious!


Once the box has been totalled, then they will sort them. There are several ways but a high volume count station will have three workers - two will separate papers into piles and the third will then count the piles into bundles of fifty votes. At this point spoiled papers are also split out for later examination. I suspect that the mixed - albeit seeingly sorted pile of votes you saw would have been from the first stage and ready for the second stage.


You then count the sorted bundles of fifty plus leftovers. Seems a faff but it's the quickest way of doing it usually.

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